☆ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1.3 ☆

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

☆ 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓿𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 ☆

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

"The nature of the soul is... Pure." The mirror stated. "Could you be more precise Dark Mirror?" The crow man asked, I am honestly also curious to understand what does a pure soul means to the mirror. 'I wasn't always a good child, mom kept saying that no one was perfect and that we couldn't behave all the time. Sometimes you can make mistakes, like every single being who roam on earth. So I found that weird that the nature of my soul is pure...' I told myself.

"This soul emits a golden light comparable to the sun, it's shape can't be described as it keeps changing form. I also sens kindness, empathy and courage in the core of this one." The mirror explained to everyone in the room. This caused the whispers from before to grow louder. "Therefore, no existing dorm at the moment suits this soul." The object finished. 'I suppose that would be a good excuse for me to leave this school and go back home...'

It was utterly quiet suddenly, everyone was probably shocked to hear that I needed my own dorm, one that doesn't exist.

The headmaster didn't seem to know how to react. What a shame. "I- Erm- H-Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms-" He interrupted himself, so not only he interrupted others but himself too.

"...Hm? Come to think of it, I don't see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere." Crowley said searching for someone named "Draconia". "And that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse." A boy with lion ears answered. "Wait a sec... Did anyone even invite him?" The person that I saved from the blue flames questioned.
"If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself." A handsome boy spat back. "Maybe, but I don't know him too well either..."

Some people started to talk about this sir "Draconia" and it didn't seemed really positive. 'However this is, I feel bad for them. Don't guys here know better than to bad mouth someone when they're not here..?'

"Ah. Just as I'd expected. I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony." A deep voice said. "You have my sincerest apologies. I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub." The vicious boy explained trying to find an excuse. "I mean, you must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with." Answered the person who saved me from the fire.

"No matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this." Said the short boy with a deep voice. Before he could go I went toward him. "Tell sir Draconia that I feel sorry because no one took the time to invite him to an important event." I said bowing politely, which made the petit boy chuckle. "Alright, I'll tell him!" He said before leaving.

Little by little no one else than me, Yuu and Crowley where in the room. "Well, this is a most unfortunate turn of events. I'm afraid that you two will not be attending Night Raven Collage after all. Surely you both realize that I cannot very well admit a student with no magical ability to my academy nor someone who can't have any existing dorm attributed. But worry not. The Dark Mirror will send you safely home. Now, step into the gate, and visualize the place you whence you came." The crow man said in fake pity.

"O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!" The headmaster stated to the mirror but it stayed quiet. "Ahem L-let us, er...try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul-" "No." The mirror interrupted Crowley. It honestly made me snickered. 'How does it feels to be interrupted Sir Crowley?' I thought.

"What do you mean " No."?!" Crowley exclaimed. "Those souls are needed here. Therefore, they cannot return." The mirror explained to us. "Wait... So I can't return home?! But there's people waiting for me there!.." I shouted with a hint of misery in my voice.

"How can that be? My, but today is a veritable cavalcade of impossible phenomena! This has never happended throughout my long tenure. I must confess that I am at something of a loss." The crow said. "Where are we supposed to go then? Are we going to sleep outside...?" I asked in worry. "Most certainly not! There is a vacant building on this campus. It was, in fact, used as a dorm a long time ago. With a proper cleaning, it should be habitable enough. Out of the profound kindness of my heart, I will allow you to live there for the time being." He answered. 'Of course... "profound kindness"...'

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

As he led us to the vacant dorm he told us he'll find a way to convince the Dark Mirror to send us home because he is so "gracious". 'I hope it will be soon enough, mom must be worried sick... Don't worry mom, I'll come home as soon as possible...'

We finally arrived at the dorm and all I can say is that this place isn't suited for anyone to live inside. "Uh, you want us to stay... here?" Yuu questioned. "That seems dangerous to let anyone live here..." I added. But once again the crow ignored us... "Isn't it delightful? Right, scoot inside now. There you go." Crowley said with enthusiasm, which wasn't welcomed by Yuu or me.

"This should keep the elements at bay for the time being. Now, I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourself. But don't let me catch you wandering the campus! Ta!" He said while leaving us both. 'He really doesn't care about us,is he really the headmaster?'

We both stayed quiet for a long moment. "We should do something about the holes in the ceiling and perhaps clean around if we plan on staying..." I stated blankly to which Yuu agreed.

I then sighed softly. "I wish I was home with mom.." My one and only dorm mate at the moment gave me a head pat in attempt to comfort me and this made me smile brightly at him.

That's when we both jumped at an acute voice who just decided to interrupt this wholesome moment. "GWAH! It's pouring out there!"

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☆ 𝓝𝓡𝓒 𝓡𝓾𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼 ☆

• One person during the entrance ceremony was intrigued by your signature spell and wish to have a discussion with you

• Someone who attended the entrance ceremony want to throw a party to thank you for saving their ass. Literally.

• A student is embarrassed of what he did during the entrance ceremony and is willing to make anyone who talks about it regret this choice.

• I heard that a person who saw your face during the entrance ceremony is jealous of your beauty.

• I also know that you love your mother more than anything else and that you deeply care about her.

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𝓛𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓹 𝓮𝓽 𝓵'𝓪𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓾 || Yandere!TWST x Male!Sheep!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now