☆ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1.4 ☆

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

☆ 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓿𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 ☆

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

We both jumped in surprise as we heard Grim enter inside this desolated place. "Wah!" "Eek!"

"Bwahaha! That look on both of your faces is priceless! Like bats that got blasted by a water gun." The monster laughed. "As if I wouldn't just sneak back onto campus the second I escaped pryin' eyes. You all got no idea what I'm capable of! I ain't givin' up on goin' here just 'cause I got kicked out one measly ol' time. And if you think otherwise, you don't know Grim!" He continued.

"Should we call the security or something?" Yuu turned away from the monster to ask me this. "Well, we could but that would be mean. He took a lot of risk just to come back here. Can't we let him a chance? He won't cause a mayhem as long as I'm here, right Great Grim?" I asked the monster with a sweet smile on my face. "Of course! I promise! After all, I was born to do this! I'm a magical prodigy who's got the makin's to become one of the greatest mages who ever lived!
So I've been waitin' and waitin' for that black carriage to come for me. And yet..." Grim said as he trailed off. Poor little monster, he waited so long for this...

"And yet no one ever recognized your talent so you came here on your own to show all those who didn't believe in you they were wrong all long?" I asked Grim as crouch down to his level. "You're right little sheep!" He exclaimed with a big grin on his face. How cute!

Suddenly, a drop of water fell on top of Grim's head. "Mrrao! C'mon, scoot over! I'm getting dripped on here! These flamin' ears are like my trademark, y'know? I can't let 'em get doused!" Grim shouted. After all cats don't like water. "How about you 2 go check for buckets? In the mean time I can probably find a spell to take temporarily care of those holes in the ceiling. Yeah?"

"Sure, you're going to help me Grim?" Yuu asked the kitty. "Heh? You want ME to help YOU? Ha! You got the wrong idea. I'm just a stranger takin' shelter from the rain. You ain't the boss of me. If ya had some cans of tuna to trade, well, that'd be another story. But I don't work for free." Grim answered in a condescending tone. 'He is cute indeed but he got quite the attitude... My mom would definitely love him as a familiar. Ah... I keep thinking about her, I hope to come home soon...' I thought.

"Aren't you the "Great Grim"? I really thought that you where smart and strong... But that's okay, I guess you can't do such a simple task..." I stated with a tone as condescending as his and it actually made him react. "Of course I can! Just wait and see! Come on hench human! We need to get buckets!" Grim spated, dragging Yuu upstairs to get buckets and Yuu mouthed a simple thank you with a sweet smile and a bit of pink dusting his cheeks.

As they went upstairs I tried to remember if I had in memory a useful spell for all those holes. 'Hmm.. Pretty sure I already did something similar but when... Oh yeah. Once I broke a window while playing football (soccer) and the only way for my friends and I to not get in trouble was to repair it fast.' I moved my hand towards the ceiling in a swift motion and quickly enough, all those holes disappeared. 'Vite fait, bien fait! (Quickly done, well done)' I thought proudly. And that's when I heard a bunch of screams that belongs to Grim and Yuu.

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I ran upstairs to see what was happening, only to see a bunch of ghosts surrounding my new friends. 'Are they really scared by ghosts? Those ghosts seem rather friendly at that...'

Grim shivered a bit in fear but still decided to act bold and confident. "Eeeeep! I'm a master sorcerer! I ain't afraid of any dumb ghosts! Myahaaa!" He then threw fire all over the corridor without even touching the ghosts.

"Nuh-uh. Not even close." "Over here! Over here! Ah ha ha ha!" The ghosts mocked. "Argh! They keep disappearing and reappearing!" The cat complained. "Yuu, tell him which way to shoot! Grim if you exterminate those ghosts I will give you tuna!" I instructed while casting some spell toward the ghosts to help them a bit. Grim just grumbled. "Tch! Alright! But I want my tuna afterwards! Hench human tell me where to cast my spells!"

"Hwaaahhh! We gotta get out of here! Before we get disappeared for good!" After a little while we made every single ghosts go away. 'Finally... I don't think they where really dangerous but if it can comfort Yuu and Grim that's okay I suppose...'

"H-huh? Did we... win? Aw, geez, I was scared outta my- I mean, they didn't faze me one bit! Just a walk in the park for a mage of my caliber! Whaddaya got to say now, ghosties? That's right!" Grim exclaimed proudly. And that's when Crowley has decided to show up again and also probably ruining the mood.

"Good evening. In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought dinner for both of you. Wait. That's the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!" The crow man shouted in shock. "Hum... Well... He took care of some ghosts who where wandering around this dorm you see!" I explained. 'I don't want Grim to be kicked out... He's of good company at that.'

The headmaster then decided to shout once again. "What is the meaning of this, you two do you want that thing to cause a mayhem again!? But you know, on that topic, I do seem to recall that this dorm had a mischievous ghost problem. Ah, yes... That's why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghosts scared away all the students. And you're saying that you two joined forces to drive them away? Would you three be so kind as to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me?"

"One, no, 'cause I already wiped 'em all out. And two, no, 'cause where's my tuna?!" The small creature said. "I must agree on this, there's not a single ghost left here..." I agreed looking around if there actually is a ghost somewhere. There where none.

"I will play the part of the ghosts. As for the tuna, you'll receive it when you defeat me. Oh, what generosity, Crowley...
Now, to chug this transmutation potion." The crow explained "Ah, you gotta be kiddin' me. I gotta work together with the human and the sheep again?" Grim grumble for the hundredth time today.

"This could be your chance to enroll!" Yuu encouraged enthusiastically "We can do it! It's as simple as the first time!" I added to motivate Grim. "Hrmph. All right, but this is the last time. And I better be up to my jowls in tuna afterwards!" The monster said with determination.

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𝓛𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓹 𝓮𝓽 𝓵'𝓪𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓾 || Yandere!TWST x Male!Sheep!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now