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\1\ A Little Girls Dream

The hot American sun scorched the pristine dirt that encompassed the infield of the baseball diamond.

A young girl stood on the outskirts of the diamond looking in through the chain fence. She watched in awe as she saw the men's team preparing for their game within the hour.

She was amazed by the precision and athletic ability of this team.

"Look mom! There's dad!" the little girl squealed as she saw her father exit from the dugout to join the team in their warmup. The name 'Kataoka' on the back of his shirt, and on the front 'Dodgers'.

"Go Daddy!" the little girl squealed out. The man turned around and saw his daughter and wife pressed against the fence. A broad smile stretched across his face as he saw the two loves of his life standing there.

He gave a wave before turning around and going into a jog to catch up with the rest of his team.

"Come on darling, let's go to our seats." The girl's mother said gently as she led the girl away and towards the main stadium. The little girl's smile beamed as she nodded and skipped towards the car.

Within a few minutes, the young girl and the mother were entering the stadium. The stadium was starting to be filled with fans of both teams.

The young girl and the women were directed to the box seats where other players' wives, girlfriends and children were.

The young girl saw a little boy with bright blonde hair already sitting down next to two older people.

"Grandma, Grandpa!" the little girl called out as she ran past the little boy and straight into the arms of her grandparents.

"My snow lily!" the girl's grandma opened her arms wide as she hugged the excited girl.

"Hey, you missed me!" the little boy exclaimed as he watched the girl completely ignore him and run past him.

The little girl giggled at the now angry boy.

"Sorry Hiroshi." The little girl giggled. As she jumped off her grandparents and hugged her angry older brother.

"I told you not to call me that!" the little boy pouted, and the girl giggled again.

"Sorry Hiro," the girl said this time over pronouncing the boy's name.

"Alright you two, get to your seats, the game is about to start." The two siblings' mother said in a gentle voice. The two siblings let go of each other and quickly raced to their seats.

Both of them are eager to see their father play.

The announcer began to welcome the people to the stadium before he began reading out the line-up card.

"Behind the plate, number 22 Tadashi Kataoka!" the crowd erupted into cheers as the young children's father stepped onto the field and made his way behind the plate. He turned to the crowd and bowed before waving and squatting behind the plate.

"Look, Mommy! There's daddy!" the two little children exclaimed excitedly.

Within a few minutes, the game started.

And at that moment in time, these two little children would have their lives changed forever.

Because I cannot control myself and get hyper fixated on things. I will be doing a little edit of this book and hopefully, write some more chapters.  Don't worry, the plot will be staying the same just a few small changes :D

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