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|5|  Undesirable Start

After the events that played out during the first year's introduction, not much happened afterwards. After the introductions the first years were split off into different groups, so the coaches could see what skills everyone had.

Hoshiko tried to lay low and not show to much of what she could do. Hoshiko knew that she wasn't as skilled as some players but there were areas where she outshone everyone.

The one area that she outshone everyone by was the accuracy of her throw. Every time she threw a ball, she had pinpoint accuracy with her throw. Another thing was her speed.

Because of her petite form, she was quick running the basses. However, one thing people found unusual was her ability to switch hit, in particular her softball style approach to the left-hand box.

Whenever she stepped into the left-handed box, she approached it like a softball slapper. It was something no one had seen before.

Although she was very equipped to baseball and its format, she still approached everything with a softballers mindset. It's what made her stand out from many other players.

Her biggest weapon though was her observational skills. After looking at a player for a bit of time she is able to detect their strengths and weaknesses.

However, no matter what she did there was always a comment from someone.

Hoshiko brushed it off a lot easier than others as she was used to it. She grew up listening to those comments.

It Hiroshi that those players had to look out for.

After the training was over every one went to the cafeteria to eat dinner before going back to their dorms to sleep.

Hoshiko followed the crowd to the cafeteria. She kept to herself most of the way because she knew most people already didn't like her.

The first-string players stayed behind as the coach needed to speak to them about the upcoming game.

That meant that Hiroshi had to stay behind and wait until he could reach the cafeteria to make sure his sister is ok.

As all the second-string and first-year players went into the cafeteria, they all started to line up for food.

While she waited in line for her food, she noticed a sign above the line.


After grabbing her dinner Hoshiko went straight to an empty table. She already knew that most of the first years didn't like her, so she wasn't going to start anything that was going to cause a scene.

To be honest, Hoshiko just wanted to quickly finish eating and go back to her room. After quickly finishing her rice she grabbed another and finished the rest of her meal.

As she was leaving the cafeteria, the first-string players were entering.

Hoshiko walked passed her brother and some of his friends. Hiroshi did notice that his sister was already leaving.

"Hoshi, where you going?" he asked. His sister turned around and gave her brother a small smile.

"Oh, I'm just going back to my room. I'm a bit tired from today. I'll see you tomorrow." She said calmly before giving a wave and walking back to her room.

Hoshiko walked back to her room uninterrupted. Once she reached her room, she quickly showed before going to sleep.

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