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|13|  A Cold Morning

Hoshiko laid awake in her bed, lost in thought. She was still processing what her uncle said to her the day before.

I wanted you to be more of a manager.

Hoshiko frowned at the thought. Her frown deepened as to what she was told next.

You can't play in any official matches.

"Why am I angry? This shouldn't be surprising." The girl muttered to herself. She let out a deep sigh before getting out of bed. Before she headed to the shower, she peeked at her phone.


"Well, I'm not going to back to bed anytime soon. May as well do something." The young girl grabbed a change of clothes. After changing, Hoshiko put on her shoes and grabbed her headphones.

As Hoshiko left her dorm room, the coldness of the morning proceeded to wake her up more than a cup of coffee could ever do. Her body involuntarily shivered, Hoshiko put her headphones in and took off in a light jog.

Wish that you could build a time machine,

So you could see,

The things no one can see.

Louis Tomlinson voice began to emanate through the speakers. As Hoshiko began to run through campus, the bass of the music provided a pace for her. It was easy to tell that it was a particularly cold morning as each breath the girl dispelled a cloud would leave her mouth.

The drowsiness was no longer felt as the upbeat melody of the song pushed her through the run. After running through the campus for about 10 minutes, Hoshiko made her way towards the field.

As she ran up the hill that split the two fields, something caught her eye. She came to a stop and peered down, on the field was a young boy.

He was running around the field with a tire attached to himself with a rope. A confused expression rested on her face as she watched the boy run and scream. Her confused expression soon changed to that of a smile.

She felt happy to see someone so dedicated to improving themselves, that they were actively pushing their body as far as it could go. Hoshiko decided to leave the boy be and took off in a run again.

After running through the fields, Hoshiko decided to head back to her dorm to shower before starting the school day.

As she finished her run, she took out her headphones and placed them down before starting her morning routine. Hoshiko showered, brushed her teeth, clothed herself, and began to style her hair to make herself look more presentable.

She looked at her phone one more time.

7:15 am.

"Well, it never hurts to be early," Hoshiko muttered to herself. "I can get some homework done beforehand."

Hoshiko sat down at her desk and pulled out her homework. She decided to get the easy homework out of the way first. She grabbed her social studies homework first as she found that the easiest of her subjects.

To be honest, she is only doing this because she doesn't want to do her mathematics homework. Although Hoshiko is a great student and achieves high grades, the one subject that she never wants to admit she struggles with is mathematics.

Hoshiko finished her social studies homework and began to do her English homework. Apart from social studies, English is one of Hoshiko's best subjects. Well, it is to be expected as the girl lived in America for most of her life.

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