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|8| First Match Pt. 1

The sun rose for the next day, its rays cracked through each crevasse.

A sleeping girl laid in bed as she waited for her alarm to sound.

The girl dreamed about her life if that one incident didn't occur.

She remained restless for a bit, she groaned in her sleep.

"No....don't...go." she called out in her sleep.

"NO!" the girl cried out as she shot awake. A slight sheen of sweat covered her body, her breathing was slightly erratic.

Her phones alarm was blaring in the background.

She looked over to her bedside table and shut off the phone. She sat in her bed staring at the wall.

"What the hell was that?" the asked to herself. She was confused as to what happened during her sleep.

She decided a shower might help fix her problem. She got out of bed and headed straight for the shower.

Even though Hoshiko was living by herself she was thankful for the bathroom. Otherwise, she was going to have to shower in the communal shower.

She turned on the hot water and let the water soothe her aching muscles.

She let out a deep relaxed sigh.

She didn't stay in to long as the scrimmage match today.

Once she got out she got changed, brushed her teeth and did her hair. She did the same braid style. Two braids that turned into a bun.

(If you guys search for Sami Renoylds of Washington Softball and look at her hairstyle, its that

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(If you guys search for Sami Renoylds of Washington Softball and look at her hairstyle, its that.)

After doing so she grabbed her gear and checked her phone.


She still had a bit of time. Warm-up started at 8:30 and the game started at 9:30.

Hoshiko knew that staying in her room wasn't going to do anything so she decided to head to the field and warm up a little earlier than normal.

She got to the field within five minutes. No one was there which she expected. Once she entered the dugout, she placed her gear down and began to place her cleats on.

After doing so she headed out of the dugout and onto the field.

She breathed in the crisp morning air before she set off in a jog.

It was only a light jog to get her going. She knew she was going to have to do a second warm-up.

She did a slow jog of the field. As she made her way through, she noticed someone atop one of the hills.

"Tetsuya!" the girl called out. The tall boy turned to the source of the voice that called out his name. He looked down to the field and saw the orange/blonde-haired girl.

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