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|6| First Time Travelling

The school day finished not as quickly as Hoshiko wanted.

She was still annoyed over the interaction this morning.

After finishing class, she packed up all her things and quickly made her way out of the classroom.

Some students stayed behind in class to chat with friends or make new ones. Some students crowded the halls as well.

Hoshiko paid no mind to them and moved her way around students. She kept her head down until she was out of the school building.

Once she was in the fresh air outside, Hoshiko stopped in her tracks and took a deep breath of fresh air. The air relaxed the girl and made her feel less annoyed.

Once she released the breath of air, a small smile etched on her face. She was feeling better now, it seemed that that single breath of fresh air washed away the events that happened this morning.

Now that she was better, she made her way back to her dorm to get ready for the game later today.

After reaching her dorm, she took a quick shower before changing into her training gear. She didn't bring any of her gloves or bats as she knew she didn't need them.

She left her dorm and made her way to the field. All the first-string players were already there while some of the second-stringers lingered around.

Since Hoshiko only knew her brother and his roommate – who just happened to also be the captain – she didn't really know anyone else. So, she kind of just stood there and kept to herself.

Hiroshi saw his sister just standing by herself, he was about to head over to her but was stopped by a grip on his arm. Hiroshi looked back and saw Tetsuya was the one stopping him.

He simply shook his head to the confused blonde.

"What are you doing Tetsuya?" he asked.

"If you go over there now, you'll scare off everyone else and she won't be able to make any friends." Tetsuya advised him.

"What are you talking about Tetsuya?" he still looked confused.

"She needs to make friends on her own. If you keep hanging around her; one it will make you look like a creep and secondly once you graduate, she won't have anyone to hang around once you've graduated." Tetsuya explained.

The blonde boy thought for a moment and mulled over the wisdom his captain bestowed upon him.

He let out a sigh and nodded, agreeing with his captain's advice.

Hoshiko remained in her spot and was fiddling her fingers.

Most players were talking with each other while Hoshiko remained on her own.

But it wasn't for long. A tall boy with jet black and hair and grey eyes approached the silent girl.

"Excuse me?" an emotionless voice ran out.

Hoshiko looked up and recognised the boy from her class.

"Yes?" She replied.

"You may remember me from this morning, but I never got the chance to introduce myself." The boy straightened his posture before giving the girl a slight bow.

"Hello, my name is Furuya Satoru." He introduced himself.

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you Satoru. Oh, you don't mind me using your first name, do you? I lived in America for ten years and that's the norm."

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