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|4| First Years Introduction

After the morning incident, Hoshiko left to confront her brother. Trying to find out what happened to make him so angry.

"Hiro! Wait up!" Hoshiko called out but her brother did not let up his pace.

"Hiroshi!" Hoshi said as she began to run after him. Once she reached him, she grabbed his shoulder.

"Hiro what's wrong?" she asked yet again. Hiroshi shook off his sister's touch.

"Leave me alone Hoshi, I'm fine." He said through his teeth.

"Well, you're obviously not. Why won't you tell me what happened?" she asked yet again.

"You don't need to worry about it."

"Well, obviously I do if it made you this mad." She tried to stop her brother again.


"Some second years made lewd comments about you alright?!" Hiroshi finally snapped.

What he said made Hoshiko freeze in her tracks.

"W-what?" Hoshiko stuttered.

Hiroshi took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Some second years made some lewd comments about you and I confronted them," Hiroshi said slower this time.

"Oh." Was all Hoshiko could mutter out.

The two siblings stood in silence for a bit.

"You know I don't need to be protected anymore," Hoshiko said in a quiet but firm voice.

"I know you don't, but I can't help it. You're my sister. It's my job to look after you." Hiroshi replied.

"I know and I am thankful for your protection but there will have to be times when you won't be there to protect me and be my knight in shining armour," Hoshiko said with a soft smile.

"I know and I will try my best, but I could not just stand there and listen to those guys degrade you and treat you like an object." Hiroshi was starting to get angry again as he remembered what those boys were saying.

"I am thankful for that and I will always be thankful for when you stand up for me. However, there will be times when I will have to fight my own battles." Hoshiko said with a soft voice.

She walked up to her brother and hugged him.

"I will always be thankful for you and everything you have done for me." She said into her brother's chest.

After a small hug, Hoshiko pulled back and then punched her brother in the arm.

"And don't worry, you aren't the only one that will be protecting me. If they aren't dealing with you, they have to deal with the wrath of Uncle." Hoshiko laughed.

Hiroshi joined in with her laughter.

"Ah yes, I forgot if they aren't dealing with me, they'll have to deal with Uncle, and everyone is shit scared of him," Hiroshi said with a laugh.

"Plus, they haven't seen your angry side yet." Hiroshi started to really laugh now.

Hoshiko stopped laughing and gave her brother the death glare. Her whole demeanour went deadly.

When Hiroshi stopped laughing and noticed her demeanour change, he froze and gulped as he knew he was in trouble now.

"And what do you mean by that?" Hoshiko asked with venom seeping through her voice.

Looking at her brother's reaction, Hoshiko burst into a fit of laughter. Hiroshi was slightly caught off guard by his sister's sudden change in emotions.

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