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|12| Harsh Truth

Hoshiko found out the score from the game later that day.

Third years won 20-2.

The first years managed to score a run in the bottom of the 8th.

She had told her brother the good news and it was easy to say that he was ecstatic for his younger sister.

She had also heard that the Furuya kid also made the team.

Apparently, he throws wicked fastballs that no one can hit. After hearing that, Hoshiko wanted to see this guy throw now.

She also heard that the Sawamura kid also threw in the game. Apparently, he has some wacky spin on the ball every time he throws it.

The things she heard from the game were quite interesting.

She couldn't wait to see what would happen in real life.

However, although she was ecstatic about making the team, she was now nervous about her first training.

Hoshiko was now making her way to the cafeteria to get some dinner. After she had finished stretching, she went back to her room to shower and changed.

She put on some 2XU's and a hoody before throwing her hair into a bun and placed on some glasses before she makes her way to the cafeteria.

But before she left, she made sure to grab her notebook.

She knew that she was going to be one of the last people there, so she tried to not draw to much attention to herself.

She snuck in before quickly making her way to get her food.

Once she grabbed her food, she made her way to a table. She wanted to find an empty table so she could peacefully eat and write down her notes from today's game.

She luckily found one but before she could sit down her attention was caught by someone.

"Hey Hoshi! Come sit over here!" The girl turned her head and saw her brother waving his hand in the air trying to catch her attention.

She let out a small sigh before begrudgingly making her way over to her brothers table.

Most of the first-string players were sitting around him.

The girl gave a small smile and nod to everyone at the table before she sat down and began to eat her food.

She pulled out her notebook and began to write down notes.

The table was chatting amongst themselves, while Hoshiko quietly ate and write down notes.

The girl could feel the stares and gazes on her as she wrote. She turned away from the gazes as she was too shy to say anything about them.

"Hey Hoshi, what are you writing about?" She heard a voice behind her. She turned to see who it was and saw the ever-mischievous boy Miyuki.

"O-oh I'm just writing notes from the game today." She quietly replied.

The boy nodded and watched as the girl continued to write notes and eat.

The boy noticed that the book said, 'Volume 5'. He figured that she has had many notebooks. He continued to watch the girl write notes, he noticed that she was writing notes about players from the third-year's team.

She wrote about their weaknesses, their strengths, what worked, what didn't work, what could work next time and what not to do next time.

He was surprised at the notes she wrote. They were all detailed and she even wrote details about the players.

"Wow, how do you remember all this stuff?" He asked.

The girl looked at the boy again.

"Look Kazuya, I just want to finish eating and finish writing my notes before going to bed." The girl honestly said. She gave the boy a smile before returning to her notes and finishing her food.

The boy nodded his head in response and let the girl be.

She was thankful for that as she didn't have the strength left to talk to the boy anymore.

Once she finished her food and finished writing her notes, she put her tray away and went back to her dorm.

She gave a brief wave to the table before exiting the building.

The girl gave out a yawn and a stretch as she walked back to her dorm room.

"Hoshiko." A deep voice rang through the air. The girl froze as she was slightly startled by the voice. She slowly turned around and saw a tall menacing figure covered by shadow.

"Oh, hey Uncle!" The girl said happily after recognising the man. The girl approached the man and gave him a hug. The man returned it before staring at the girl.

"Hoshiko, there is something I wish to speak with you about." The man said, the girl nodded in response.

"I first want to congratulate you on your selection into the first string." The man started; the girl was about to thank him but was cut off.

"I hope you understand that you will not get game time due to you being a girl." The man said bluntly. The girl looked confused.

"Well, I hadn't thought about it yet, but I understand." The girl said confused.

"I wanted to tell you the reason as to why I selected you into the team. I wanted you on the team more as a manger as I want your help [ on the bench."

"Manager?!" The girl said in surprise. The man nodded.

"While you will have a uniform, you will mostly take on the role as a manger. Our current manager Fujiwara Takako will take you under her wing." He concluded.

The girl stood there silently for a bit. She couldn't quite process what was happening and what she was hearing.

"So, I didn't really make the team, did I?" She uttered out.

"You did, you just can't play in any official matches." He confirmed.

"So why even put me on the team?" Hoshi asked. The man let out a sigh.

"Because, I would like to use your observation skill. I believe it will be very useful for the games." The man explained.

The girl looked down to her feet as she processed the words.

"Well, I should have known already that I wouldn't be able to play any games, but it still hurts to actually hear it." The girl uttered truthfully.

What started off as a good day had suddenly turned sour. Hoshiko was hoping that she wouldn't have to face that truth till tomorrow when she was at her first training.

"Is that all you have to tell me uncle?" She asked.

"Yes, that is all." He replied.

"Well if that is the case, I will retreat to my room now and get some sleep." Hoshiko politely said. The man nodded, Hoshiko gave a small bow before heading back to her room.

Well todays mood was ruined.

After reaching her room, Hoshiko just had a small shower before going to bed.

The realisation was dawning on her as the thought of not being able to play in an official match.

The girl laid awake for most of the night. Not being able to sleep. 

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