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|3| Shirtless Roommate

Hoshiko woke up with a groan as the rays of the sun brightly shined onto her face. She opened her eyes and was a bit confused at first at to where she was. She was in an unfamiliar room.

It was only till she saw her brother dead asleep in the bottom bunk that she realised that she was now in Japan. She saw him twitch in his sleep and drool drip onto his pillow. She rolled her eyes at the sight.

She looked to the top bunk to try and catch a glimpse at her brother roommate. However, she couldn't see his face as his back was turned to her. She decided to check to see what time it was on her phone


Hoshiko let out a yawn as she set her phone back on the floor and got up to use the toilet. Hoshiko tried her best to stay quiet as walked to what she thinks is the bathroom.

After doing her business and washing her hands, she quietly walked back into the room but was stopped in her tracks when she saw the back of her brother's roommate climbing down from the top bunk.

Hoshiko was in awe at the roommate's back muscles. Hoshiko couldn't help the blush that started to form on her neck and face. She also couldn't help but be in awe at the physique and muscles of the boy.

The blush only grew when h turned around. He had a strong jaw, bushy eyebrows, intense eyes and a very toned torso.  Overall, he was a sight to behold.

"Oh hello." Was all the young girl could mutter out. "I'm-"

"Kataoka Hoshiko, younger sister to Kataoka Hiroshi, daughter of famous Japanese League and MLB baseball player Kataoka Tadashi and niece of Kataoka Tesshin. I know who you are." The boy bluntly stated.

Hoshiko was slightly caught off guard by the blunt statement.

"I apologise, I didn't introduce myself." The boy bowed, "My name is Yuki Tetsuya, I am a Third Year and Captain of the Seidou High Baseball team."

The boy said in an almost military tone.

The girl stood there stunned at the boy. Sure, people back in America knew her as Tadashi Kataoka's daughter the famous MLB player. Not many people knew anything further than that.

"Wow, firstly I apologise that you have to be rooming with my brother and secondly I'm sorry that I don't know much about you," Hoshiko said with a laugh.

Hoshiko's eyes couldn't help but wander to the boy's toned stomach, the blush on her face darkening as she looked at the perfection.

Luckily, her gaze was broken when her brother began to groan which was soon followed by a 'thump' as Hiroshi fell to the floor. Both the baseball team's captain and the sister watched as the boy hoisted himself from the floor.

He rubbed his head as he stood to his feet and turned to face the other two roommates. He stopped his actions when he made eye contact with the two other people in the room.

"Ah, I see you've met my roommate Tetsuya; Tetsuya I see you have met my sister Hoshiko." Hiroshi said in a groggy tone.

Hoshiko let out a sigh as she looked at her dishevelled brother.

"Aren't you supposed to be taking me on a tour of the school today?" Hoshiko asked in a blank tone.

The two watched slowly as Hiroshi's eyes slowly widened in remembrance.

"Shit!" Hiroshi exclaimed in English; he began to run around the room trying to get ready. His sister merely rolled her eyes.

"You idiot it's 7:30 in the morning." Hoshiko bluntly said again. Hiroshi stopped his panicked state and let out a relieved sigh. Hoshiko turned to Tetsuya.

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