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|2| Leaving the Nest

Several Years Later

The same hot American sun shone down on the same pristine field.

The once little girl had grown into a young adult. She breathed in the same LA air that she breathed for the last 10 years. Her now pale blonde hair was tied back in a low ponytail, a black ribbon tied around it.

Her bright green eyes stared out onto the field she had grown up watching. A worn LA Dodgers hat was held tightly in her hands.

"I can't believe I am leaving." The girl whispered to herself. She was drawn from her memories at the sound of a car horn. With a heavy sigh and tears brimming in her eyes, she turned away from the field.

"Sorry, Mom." The girl said as soon as she hopped into the car.

"It's alright honey, I know how much you are going to miss this place." The older woman said with a pained smile. She reached up and gently stroked the girl's hair in a loving way. The girl didn't protest at the touch but instead leaned into it.

"I can't believe I am leaving already." The girl whispered as they drove off. The sight of the field retreating in the distance.

"I know, but you'll be back before you know it." The girl's mum promised.

"I just can't believe I have to go all the way to Japan just for high school." The girl uttered.

"You know it was your father's wish for you and your brother to attend Seidou. It was always the plan, even before....."The girl's mum trailed off.

"I know." The girl cut in, sensing her mother's uneasiness.

"Now, let's get you to the airport little miss. We don't want you to be missing your flight." The girl's mother stated. Hoshiko nodded her head in agreement before she repositioned herself and rested her head against the window.

Staring back to the place she once called home.

As she and her mum made their way to the airport, they passed the infamous Dodgers stadium, a stadium she grew up watching the games her father played.

She never missed a game.

She knew every game, every outcome of the games, who hit what, who did this, who did that, everything that happened ever since her father joined the team to the time, he played his final game.

Hoshiko remembered her father's final game very vividly.

There were many times when she wished she didn't attend that final game. Times where she could just wipe that memory from her mind.

Just thinking about what happened made her tear up.

Before her mum noticed, she quickly wiped her tears away. She didn't want her to worry.

THE TWO ARRIVED at LAX airport after a small drive.

The two women walked together through the bustling international section of the airport. Upon checking in and arriving at her departure gate, the two turned to each other to say their goodbyes.

"I'm going to miss you, Mum." The girl said.

"I'm going to miss you too baby girl." The girl's mum replied.

"Promise to visit me hey?" the girl asked.

"I promise, now you promise me that you'll look after your brother." The girl's mum laughed slightly.

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