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|7| Intro to Hoshiko 101

The game started not too long ago and Seidou was batting first.

Ichidaisan's pitcher was on top of Seidou's batter early. The pitcher seemed to really work around Seidou's batters.

They were able to make contact here and there, but they were never able to string hits together.

However, it wasn't the same for Tanba, Ichisaisan's batters seemed to be on top of Tanba. They scored run early and were able to keep the lead.

The frustration was seen all throughout the team, but it was Tanba who was the most frustrated.

All the while, Hoshiko's eyes remained fixed on the opposing team's pitcher.

He seemed relaxed and in control. But there was something, something Hoshiko needed one more inning to see.

She watched the pitcher closely. The catcher called the signal, the pitcher's eyes widened slightly before nodding.


"The pitcher isn't sure about this pitch." She mumbled to herself.

"Hoshiko?" The Coached asked.

The girl looked to her Uncle.

"Whatever that catcher called; the pitcher isn't confident in throwing that pitch. Because of that they haven't thrown it much this whole game." Hoshiko explained.

Hoshiko continued watching the pitcher. The catcher called again, and the pitcher's eyes widened, only slightly.

"This pitch." Was all she said. Coach focused on the pitch.

"Splitter." The two said in unison.

As they focused in on the pitch, they could see that the delivery of the pitch was shaky. The speed slowed down and the movement didn't do much.

Because the pitcher wasn't confident with it, the pitch hang over the edge of the plate.

"Alright, team listen up." Coach called.

Everyone turned to the coach.

"The pitcher isn't confident in throwing his splitter. It hangs over the plate, that is the pitch we attack" He said.

"Yes, sir!"

The coached turned to Hoshiko and gave a small nod. The girl smile and returned her eyes to the field.

"OUT!" The umpire yelled; it was the third out, so the team got ready to go into the field.

Once they swapped and the batter came up. Hoshiko kept her eyes. On the batter that resided in the box.

She watched the way the boy set up ready for Tanba's next pitch.

Miyuki called the pitch, Tanba nodded his head and set himself up to deliver the pitch.

Tanaba released the pitch.


It was the perfect pitch. It started at the top of the inside part of the zone and then moved towards the lower outside part of the zone.

Hoshiko watched the batter, she watched his hands, his legs and his feet. She watched how she reacted to the pitch. The batter didn't swing at the called strike pitch but there was something off about it.

"Tanba can't throw a curveball to this batter." Hoshiko said.

"Why is that?" The assistant coach asked this time.

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