• prologue •

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Ayden held her tongue, clutching her toolbox in her leather messengers bag on her shoulder as she stomped away.

"Wait!" Sadie yelped. "Ayden! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that —!"

Ayden ignored her younger sister, her naturally upturned lips pulled into a scowl. She pushed her silver circular glasses up her nose and stubbornly kept her back turned, fixing her tan cotton blazer over her linen terracotta turtleneck.

"Ayden," Carter's voice pled behind her.

"No," she snapped. "Just because you two were chosen by gods to be hosted completely untrained and Nephthys didn't choose me — a water elementalist who had been secretly following her path for several years — doesn't mean you can say those things with no consequences!" She sniffed and wiped her nose with her silver ring-amulet covered hand. "Stop pretending! We all know that Sadie's Dad's favorite and I was always too stiff to the rules for him! I'm done with you two! Come find me when you understand me!"

Ayden whirled and stomped off again, her black faux leather boots laced tightly to her feet. She made her way to the roof and opened a portal of swirling sand. She was done. She'd find those Romans in California and spend her time with them. It was better than her family in Brooklyn at moment, quite frankly, and she wasn't going to lie to herself. She turned to the name board with her name with a heart from each of her siblings beside it and wiped it off completely. She wiped off her hearts beside her siblings' names. She was leaving.

For a long, long, time.

"Who is she?" A voice cut through the thick silence. Sadie and Carter turned to see the blonde cheerleader behind them. Jasmine Anderson, they remembered.

"That was our sister," Sadie whispered.

"Ayden Kane," Carter agreed.

They wouldn't see her. Not for a long, long time.


Welcome! This is my first Kane Chronicles fic lmao but I read it a long time ago.

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