• six •

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Ayden swatted Sadie's hand away from her hair.

"But it's greasy!" Sadie argued.

"I used dry shampoo," Ayden said flatly. "I'll wash it tomorrow."

Jaz laughed. BAG did randomized spirit days and this time it was fun hairpieces. Sadie and Jaz had forced everyone to participate, so Ayden had put on a floral headband to appease her sister and girlfriend. Last time, Ayden had gotten up late and so had avoided doing it, but this time she had no excuse.

In retribution, Ayden wore red, emanating silent annoyance. Carter had deer antlers on his head and was also sending waves of annoyance out.

"'Den," Carter grumbled. "Why are they doing this to us?"

"Because it amuses them," Ayden muttered. "Obviously." 

Carter made a face.

Ayden led the group of tweens and teens down the sidewalk to the bus stop, flicking her blue hair over her shoulder.

Jaz skipped happily beside her, a bright smile on her face and a gold laurel headband on her head.

"I hope Drew is sick," Ayden muttered.

Jaz snorted. "She's never sick."

"I hate her."

"Don't we all?" Sadie snarked.

Ayden's lips twitched as the bus sidled up to the curb.

"Let's go let's go let's go!"

Sadie pushed everyone onto the bus with varying degrees of force, Carter and Ayden the hardest.



"Sadie, relax," Walt says calmly.

Ayden swatted Sadie's hand as she click-clacked her way to the back of the bus, followed by the rest of Brooklyn House.

There sat Drew, in a bright pink dress and a tiara.

Ayden brushed past her, holding Jax's hand, and plopped down in the very last row.

"I hate her," Ayden muttered in Jaz's ear.

"Oh, I know," Jaz said with a smile.


Guys, I genuinely apologize for skipping last week's update. I hadn't finished this yet and so... you know the rest. Oh, yeah. You're also in for a huge time skip in the next chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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