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Ayden found a mirror in a separate room that Amos had commissioned for his nieces. She sighed and sat down, preparing herself for a long night of unbraiding her hair.

A few hours later, only half of her hair was unbraided and her arms were aching. She still had to straighten her hair, throw out the extensions, and unbraid the other half of her head.

She dropped her head into her hands and groaned. Why did she choose that night?

Sadie stood hesitantly. "Do you want my help?"

She stared at the pike of black extensions on the vanity table.


Ayden sat there as Sadie unbraided her hair, tugging from the bottom to pull out the extensions.

When the rest of the extensions were in a pile on the vanity next to the first half, the girls stared at each other.

Sadie spoke first. "I'm sorry. For... everything. I know I did a lot of things to make you hate me and you still stand by my side even though I heard you and Carter fight with each other about me the first day you came back."

Ayden laughed humorlessly. "I guess it's my turn, then, huh?"

Sadie laughed and nodded.

"I'm sorry for treating you so terribly. I put my issues with Mom and Dad on you. I mean, what I said was kind of true. And that's... not how an apology works."

Sadie laughed again. "For what it's worth, I know that you speak truth. Most of the time."

Ayden gaped at her. "You did not."

"So what if I did?" Sadie stood up with Ayden, even though she was shorter.

"You little..." Ayden tackled Sadie to the ground, tickling her relentlessly.

Sadie gasped and laughed, wrestled Ayden off her and bolting for her bed. Ayden grabbed her ankle and they went sprawling again.

They did that for a little while longer, letting themselves act like children before laying on the floor. Ayden's hair had poofed up, making it hard for her to see. Sadie laughed at her.

"Shut up, I need to straighten it."

The girls laughed for another thirty minutes as Sadie held the thick sections up for Ayden to straighten the lower sections. Finally, when they were done, Ayden braided her straightened hair over her shoulder and the girls rolled into bed.


Just a fun short one. Reconciling sisters. The good stuff. And now they're going to almost die! Yippee!

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