• twenty-one •

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When they reached the surface and she saw how bad things were, Ayden was tempted to run back inside, screaming like a kindergartner.

Their little band of magicians popped out of a secret tunnel halfway up Khafre's pyramid and stared down at the end of the world.

To say Apophis was huge would be like saying the Titanic took on a little water. Since they'd been underground, the serpent had grown. Now he coiled under the desert for miles, wrapping around the pyramids and tunneling under the out skirts of Cairo, lifting entire neighborhoods like old carpeting.

Only the serpent's head was above ground, but it rose almost as tall as the pyramids. It was formed of sandstorm and lightning, and when it fanned out its cobra's crest, it displayed a blazing hieroglyph no magician would ever write: Isfet, the sign of Chaos.

The four gods battling Apophis looked tiny in comparison.

Sobek straddled the serpent's back, chomping down again and again with his powerful crocodile jaws and smashing away with his staff. His attacks connected, but they didn't seem to bother Apophis.

Bes danced around in his Speedo, swinging a wooden club and yelling, "Boo!" so loudly, the people in Cairo were probably cowering under the beds. But the giant Chaos snake did not look terrified.

Their cat friend Bast wasn't having much luck either. She leaped onto the serpent's head and slashed wildly with her knives, then jumped away before Apophis could shake her off, but the serpent only seemed interested in one target.

Standing in desert between the Great Pyramid and the Schins, Zia was surrounded in brilliant golden light. It was hand to look directly at her, but she was shooting fireballs like a Roman candle each one exploding against the serpent's body and disrupting his form. The serpent retaliated, biting chunks out of the desert, but he couldn't seem to find Zia. Her location shifted like a mirage always several feet away from wherever Apophis struck.

Still, she couldn't keep this up forever. Looking into the Duat, Ayden could see the four gods' auras weakening, and Apophis kept getting larger and stronger.

"What do we do?" Jaz asked nervously.

"Wait for my signal," Carter said.

"Which is what?" Sadie asked.

"I don't know yet. I'll be back."

He closed his eves and sent his ba into the heavens.

Ayden stood and waited, steadying her brother's slack body.

Then he opened his eyes.

Above Khafre's pyramid, storm clouds gathered. With a clap of thunder they parted, and the gods charged into battle some riding war chariots, some in floating warships, some on the backs of giant falcons. The baboon god Babi landed atop the Great Pyramid. He pounded his chest and howled.

Carter turned to Sadie. "How's that for a signal?"

They clambered down the pyramid to join the fight.



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