• twenty-four •

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The rest of the day was a blur. Ayden faintly remembered stumbling to Jaz's side and collapsing in each other's arms. She kissed Jaz firmly, wiping away her tears, wanting to stay there forever. She had to let her go, however, when Jaz realized that she had to help the healers in the First Nome. Ayden summoned a plain linen t-shirt and black linen pants for her to change into and Jaz pulled her hair into a ponytail and stuck a white headband onto her head to hold back her shorter strands.

Ayden stumbled to hers and Sadie's private room from before after checking on Leonid who, impressively, was expected to make a full recovery. Ayden pulled out her emergency dresser from the Duat, digging out gray linen pants, a white tank top, and a purple tailcoat.

"How long has it been since you showered last?" Sadie asked tiredly.

"Almost two weeks," Ayden admitted.

"Go shower."

"What do you think I'm doing?"

Ayden grabbed a bra and underwear, sliding into the bathroom. She dropped her clothes on the counter, sighing dramatically. She stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair was flat and starting to get greasy at the roots.

She sighed and turned on the water. When the water was warm, she stripped and stepped under the stream of water. She let the water run through her hair and scrubbed it, massaging the shampoo into her scalp. She felt her hair start to curl up again as she ran her conditioner through it, letting it sit in her hair. She'd dip her hair into the sink and let the conditioner get out with the scrunch method. Ayden scrubbed down her body with her soap bar and then scrubbed the grime off her face. When she was done, she turned off the water and pulled on her underwear and pants.

She stared at herself in the mirror. She filled the sink with water and leaned over it, dipping her hair in and scrunching out all the conditioner.

When the water was cloudy and her hair was clean, Ayden squeezed out her hair and pulled on her tank top and put on her tailcoat. She studied herself and flinched. She put her glasses on and stared at herself with wide eyes.

Her hair... she had two blue strands of hair. She couldn't imagine why. She tugged the curls, shocked. They were looser than her regular curls and bright, brilliant blue.

Ayden tried to figure out what to do with them. She couldn't hide them. She couldn't even explain them! And she was not going to cut her hair.

Ayden sighed. She'd just have to leave them alone. Ayden huffed and dusted purple shadow over her lids and put on her creamy purple lipstick.

Eventually, she left the bathroom and found Sadie sitting on her bed. She had changed into fresh clothes and had put a new streak of color in her hair.

"Shall we go find Carter?"

"Sure. Why?"

"Amos is calling a general assembly."

"Oh great."

The sisters hooked arms and wandered the First Nome looking for their older brother. When they did, he was standing frozen, staring at a stall.

"All right?" Sadie asked.

He told them what he'd seen. The girls winced, but weren't very surprised.

"I suppose we'll have to deal with that git sooner or later, but for now, you'd best come with us. Amos has called a general assembly in the Hall of Ages."

Ayden slipped her arm through Carter's. "And try to smile. I know it's hard, but you're a role model now, as terrifying as I find that."

They passed several of their friends helping with the restoration. Alyssa and a squad of earth elementalists were reinforcing walls and ceilings, trying to make sure the caverns didn't collapse on them.

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