• seventeen •

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When Ayden woke up, Walt was the only one awake, shaking and cradling his head. Anubis was kneeling in front of him, speaking softly.

"Walt?" Ayden asked softly, deciding to ignore the god. "Are you okay?"

He groaned. "Not really."

"To be expected," she said. "Are you up for today? If you aren't..."

"No. Sadie will need me."

"Should I bring out Mama Nephthys?"

"Nope!" Anubis said before Walt could answer. "Let's keep my mother out of this."

"She's doing Rent-a-Space in my head right now. Not hosting, but you know what I mean."

"Not really."

"Eh," Ayden shrugged. "Worth a try. Walt, I can probably make you a healing potion. But on such short notice, it may not be ready for drinking by the time you leave. It may not even be finished."

"What time is it?" Walt asked.

Ayden paused, but Anubis responded with blinding speed. "Quarter to seven."

"Huh. Good to know." Ayden got up and started getting set up.

"Healing balm?" Anubis guessed.


"Anubis, you can't consume healing balm," Walt sighed.

"I am aware of that, thank you. But technically —"

"No technicalities," Ayden said, returning her focus to the potion.

The boys talked a little longer, then Zia stirred and awoke. She stared at them before brushing it off and grabbing her clothes from the Duat to change. She disappeared into the bathroom for the next few minutes. Ayden continued making her potion.

As expected, Sadie was the last one awake and Ayden told Zia to watch the potion. Take it off the flames after exactly fifteen minutes. No longer and no less.

Ayden disappeared into the bathroom. She had a quick shower, not washing her hair quite yet, as she wanted it controlled for the upcoming battle, and then braided her hair. It was a heavy braid, halfway down her back, and she put on a blue mock-neck short sleeve shirt. She pulled on her dark blue jeans and pushed her glasses up her nose.

When she came out, Sadie rushed in, changing. Zia was carefully lifting the potion off the flames. Ayden stamped them out and washed away the evidence.

"Thanks," Walt muttered.

"It may not be drinkable when you need it," she warned quietly.

"That's okay. You tried."

"That I did."

Finally, Sadie was coming out of the bathroom, her hair combed out. As a group, the five made their way to the dining room. There, Julius waited for them with a whole feast laid out in breakfast foods.

"I don't think I've eaten this well since California," Ayden joked.

"That's a lot of food," Sadie said.

"After we supposed to eat all of this?" Zia asked.

"A little much, Dad," Carter observed.

"Oh my gods," Walt said.

Julius smiled. "Children, come eat before you set off."

"Questing on full stomachs," Ayden mumbled. "Nice."

She was the first to sit and start eating, followed quickly by Carter and Sadie. Walt and Zia sat last. Ayden was already dishing up her food. She had two fried eggs over medium and three pieces of bacon with two slices of wheat toast with strawberry jam.

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