Chapter 18: Tyler

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I was livid. The last time I'd gotten this angry, I'd just found out my father had decided to leave my mother for a woman half his age. Maybe this time, I wouldn't have to face the piece of shit, but I was still feeling the same resentment and anger boiling in my veins.

"Look, Tyler...," She began, but I held up a hand. She'd just single handedly cock-blocked me so hard and now I was out my nightly fucking routine.

"Sit. Kensie." I told her, walking over to grab the pack of smokes I stashed in the side of my desk. I heard her creep over to the end of my bed, but I kept my attention elsewhere. Maybe a cigarette would keep me from punching a hole straight through the wall right where she'd just been.

What the hell had she seen in here? I hadn't exactly planned for anyone to be roaming about in my place when I wasn't around, especially her. I ran a hand along the back of my neck, realizing the temperature in the room was near blazing. I turned around, ignoring her sitting on the end of my bed as I made my way out.

I lit up, taking a breath as I inhaled, something I knew I'd probably regret later. She could have found anything by now, who knows how long she'd been up here. Was that the only room she'd been in?

I picked up a random bottle from the counter, taking a swig as the alcohol seared down my throat. The burn satisfied my anger, but not long enough to prepare me for the conversation I was about to have as I slammed it back down to deal with her.

I caught sight of Kensie as I entered the bedroom once again and she was still in the same spot I'd told her to get in. She had her head tilted to the side, hands pressed dead center in a pool over her legs and a gaze that was sending me the same mixed signals I'd been getting from her the night I'd met her.

Her eyes scanned down my torso as I bit back what could have been some pickup line to speed this up, fortunately this time around it was quite the opposite.

"Look," She whispered, so faint but enough for me to hear, "I have no excuse for why I'm here, but I do have a reason and it's not as creepy as this looks."

I leaned my back against the frame of the door, crossing my arms to give her a good look over.

"Enlighten me," I demanded.

She took a breath and the slight rise of her chest sent the testosterone right back down to where it'd just been twenty minutes ago.

"Adrienne needed her bags," She sighed, "I was just trying to help."

Fuck me.

"She needed me to come get her stuff, I was going to take her back to my apartment because she just broke down tonight, she was borderline drowning in tears," She continued.

I tightened my jaw, fully convinced everyone within a five foot radius of Adrienne tonight probably found out about the pregnancy.

"She saw you," Kensie finished, "With the girl you were with earlier."

I groaned, what gives? Since when did Adrienne give a shit who I was with? I watched Kensie squirm at the end of my bed, like she'd finally had enough of my glare.

"Please say something," Her voice faded, "I feel so awkward."

I cleared my throat, "You should."

I took a few strides up to her, giving myself no time to explain what I was after. So maybe I was fucking with her, she deserved it. With all the mind games she played with me, ignoring me then breaking into my place, I think I could play for a minute. 

"What are you doing?" She gasped, pulling back as I let a smirk resonate between us.

I reached a hand to her side, plucking my ID and key card out of her pocket at the side of her jeans.

"Nervous?" I questioned, more so asking the both of us.

She let go of the breath in her throat as I watched her hands struggle to steady herself.

"No," She covered, "I'm just wondering why you have your hands on me."

I gave her a glance as she stopped, almost as if to tell her she wasn't fooling anyone. How long was she going to put up with this? Or better question, how long was I?

Hell - I was a guy, maybe I was looking too far into things, but I knew when a female was aroused and she surely wasn't doing a good job at hiding it. She tugged her bottom lip into her mouth, giving me the same signal blondie had just given me earlier and it took everything in me not to just bend down and join it.

"Trust me Kensie, if I ever put my hands on you," I spoke under my breath, gripping the sheets beside her, "You'd want it."

She gasped, the fear in her eyes slipping into a desire I'd been wanting to get out her for weeks as she reached up to grab hold of my arm. I instinctively pulled back, giving her no time to enjoy her advance.

"Tyler," Adrienne puffed out the air in her lungs as she flung open my door, "Please don't be mad at her. It was my fault, I asked her to do this."

I groaned, realizing this would be the second time tonight I'd been interrupted. Kensie's hand ripped away from mine as I exchanged one last heated glance with her, she wasn't finished either.

"Adrienne, if you wouldn't mind showing Kensie the way out," I ordered, turning around to leave them both, "And you can take your own things too."

I gave Adrienne a warnful glance, she knew she'd fucked up and I wasn't in any mood to give her another chance. Kensie immediately looked away, like she was caught in the middle of a child fighting with her parents and began collecting her things.

"Are you kicking me out?" Adrienne's voice was pitiful, "You know all my stuff is here."

I headed for the door, brushing past her as she reached a hand out to stop me. I was in no mood for her antics anymore and I certainly was not about to put up with her dragging Kensie all the way over here to ransack my place. 

"I gave you one more chance," I spoke under my breath, "Not anymore."

Adrienne's grip on my arm tightened, "You can't be serious...this was an accident. You weren't supposed to even be home!"

I'd been there for Adrienne more than her own parents had. I bailed her out of jail, given her money to check into rehab more times then I could count and gave her a job that didn't require a background check when half the time she barely showed up.

I'd been protective over her for so long that I'd forgotten to realize that it just wouldn't ever be enough. I couldn't protect her anymore and I knew giving her chance after chance, may just ruin her last one.

"I'll arrange a delivery of all your things to wherever you need them," I explained, tensing my jaw as I watched her eyes well up, "You have a week to find a place."

I looked away, knowing Adrienne would be the one to pull those emotions out of me as I began to break the first of many barriers I knew we had between us.

"We'll talk about this later," I finished, trying my best to get the hell out of this room. She pulled me back again, but my strength was far greater.

"I can't loose you, Tyler," She pleaded, "My job, this place, you...It's all I have."

Her words were jumbled in between all her emotions as she began breaking down in tears before me. I left, fighting back the urge to change the decision I'd just made as I reached for my keys. There was only one place I could go tonight to forget about everything; the lawsuit, Adrienne, the bar, Kensie...and I'd be lying if I said I didn't need it.

Unfortunately, I didn't think one of those things would be easy to stop thinking about tonight. 

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