Chapter 5: Tyler

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"Shit dude," I groaned angrily, reaching for Alan's collar as I drug him into my office. I pointed for the stool across from me, motioning for him to sit before I blew up.

"What's goin' on man?" Alan ground out, rubbing the back of his neck.

I slapped her papers on the desk, my fingers trailing as I highlighted her first name, "She's gotta go."

Alan's eyes narrowed down on Kensie's name, "But you just hired her? What's the problem?"

Well, her legs are the problem and her ass, and that killer smile that made my knuckles almost turn white from gripping the counter so hard.

"She's too good," I lied, scratching out her name with a pen, "I can't have her here, I already know what'll happen."

Alan rolled his eyes, ignoring my obvious frustration as I sat down. I ran my fingers through my hair, stopping them at my forehead as I began to rub in circles.

"Dude, you're overreacting. Just give her some time to adjust, I'm sure things will go smooth," He answered.

What was he not understanding?

"Forget it," I replied, sliding off my blazer as I adjusted the black tee I'd worn underneath. There was no way I could tell Alan about how I'd seen this girl the other night, he just wouldn't understand. I swore after Lacey that she'd be the last girl I ever got involved with that worked under me and just like on cue, here comes the mystery girl I almost chased right out the door.

What was up with timing lately? Was God truly trying to test my patience right now? Because at any moment I felt like I was going to spew out of control and this time, I wouldn't have Lacey to keep me occupied.

"Do you know her or something?" Alan asked, eyeing me curiously.

"Of course not," I growled, flipping out my phone as I texted Adrienne to go ahead and open the doors. Immediately the bar filled up, I could hear the screaming and drunk-off-one-shot girls already through my office - hopefully Adrienne could give Kensie a few pointers on how to deal with them.

"I need a drink," I hustled around him, patting his back as I began to leave the room. Maybe I just needed to focus my attention on something else - rather someone else, that may keep me from diving into territory that I didn't want to get caught up in.

"Hey you," Adrienne winked, coming to my side with a double shot. Mmm, if we hadn't clicked on such a friendly level after we'd starting hooking up, I may have stuck with this girl, but something about her just sent my interest down the drain.

She was too much of a dude in the way I tended to romance a girl and constantly I caught her swearing like a sailor more then I did...and that's saying a lot.

"Addie," I acknowledged her, giving her back a brush. Her lip turned up and immediately she flicked me off, she hated the name I'd given her the day I'd met her.

"Don't call me that," She turned around, forgetting she still had our two shots in hand, "You know I hate that."

I sent her one of my most charming grins, tilting my head to the side as I watched her eye me from under her lashes, "I don't care how sexy you look at me, not working."

"How about I give you a tip?" I withdrew a twenty, pulling out a seat before her. The bar was filling up quickly and I knew I'd only have ten minutes to down a few shots before there'd be too many people climbing to get over me, "Make me something strong and make it a double."

She raised a brow, "That'll be thirty bucks."

"Mmm, gave me the expensive stuff? Smart girl. I forgot why I kept you around this long," I joked, our conversation growing closer to the boundaries I was trying to stay clear of.

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