Chapter 3: Tyler

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I woke up the next morning with a blazing headache and a major hard on. What did I even do last night? I rubbed a hand over my face, feeling the pain of my actions immediately.

"Dude, maaaaan," Alan approached me, landing a hand down on my back. I was passed out still, I could barely move off of these stools and nothing seemed remotely important to me right now.

"How was last night?" He asked me, pulling my hair up so I faced him.

I grunted, giving him the only answer I could manage.

"Yeah well, whatever you did to Lacey last night pissed her the fuck off. She left mid shift!"

I shook my head into the seat of the stool, still not moving.

Lacey, oh sexy long legged Lacey. How I managed to make her mad was beyond me. Did I get that fucked up last night?

I rubbed the small space between my eyes, trying to cure the on going hangover headache I was used to.

"What time is it?" I stretched, every inch of my muscles aching with the motion. I stood up, looking down to see my chest and half unbuttoned jeans. Alan raised a brow, making it known that he saw what I was up to last night.

"Ten o'clock," He responded, tossing me my phone. I caught it mid-throw, wiping the screen to see ten angry missed texts from Lacey.


Rick chuckled, coming to my side with a dumb ass smile, "Pissy texts from the girlfriend?"

"Go clean something," I growled at him, suddenly feeling my mood damper.

Waking up every fucking morning just knowing that this place claimed my responsibility was starting to drain me. I was rolling in the dough and every single female that entered this place consumed my attention, but when I woke up in the morning, I remembered why I truly hated this place.

No girl or even a few extra thousand bucks was worth owning this place anymore. I was a twenty five year old bar owner fuck up and if it weren't for Alan helping me keep this place alive, I'd be in some serious shit.

"I cleaned all the tables and payed off the DJ last night, so we're all good. You just need to fork over another last paycheck, because I think Lacey's out."

I turned around, completely ignoring Alan as I began making my way over towards my own man made office. I took a seat on one of the stools parked next to the bar counter, pulling out the paperwork for a new hire.

"How am I going to find a new bartender by tonight?" I groaned, balling my fists as I began looking over our numbers. I leaned back, flexing my arms as I felt my head fall back into them.

"I got something for you that might make you feel better," Johnny started yelling from behind me, running down the steps from our loft with a smile plastered onto his lips. I groaned, knowing I had no time for this right now. Did they even realize being short an employee would fuck us up for the night?

Johnny came over, slapping down a small piece of paper right beside me as I narrowed my eyes down at it.

Kensie 586-2433. I wear my heart on my sleeve and...

"This can't be serious," I smirked, ripping the paper from the bar and throwing it into the trash, "I have no time for girls like that in here."

"No," Johnny grinned, going over towards the trash, "It's Chloe's friend. She's super chill and really needs a job, she was just kinda smashed when she gave it to me. I wouldn't take it seriously."

Another reason why I didn't want this girl here. I was done feeding into the bullshit of females and their emotions every shift. I needed someone to come in here, make some damn good drinks and get out. I didn't have time to deal with another girl who thought I cared about who broke her heart last week and what her issues were.

"Not interested," I spoke, looking back down at my books. I began writing out Lacey's final check, not even giving her text a minute to change my mind.

She needed to get out and I wasn't in the mood to coax her back, "Give this to her."

I handed Johnny her check, signing my initials on the bottom and slamming shut her folder.

"Dude, I don't want to see her!" Johnny whimpered, his shoulders slumping with the news.

"Get over it," I snapped, "I pay you what I pay you for a reason."

Alan chuckled, sitting atop the stool beside me as he began going over our budget for the week. I turned around, going over in my head all the girls I knew that'd be able to work tonight.

"What's this Kensie chick look like?" I turned, rolling backwards as I watched Johnny's eyes light up.

"She's real cute," Johnny paused, re-thinking his answer, "For someone who was looking, of course."

I knew Johnny had a little fling going on right now and sitting before him, watching him slip all over the place was quite humorous.

"Does she know how to make drinks?" I continued to barter, looking for some type of hope in this situation. I began flipping through my phone, scrolling through my list of numbers for a girl who didn't hate me quite yet and would be willing to come help me out.

"I think?" Johnny answered.

"Not good enough," I responded, pulling my feet up to balance them on my desk. I leaned back, eyeing Johnny like a troublesome school boy, "Tell her to come out tonight for a trial run. I've got to make sure this girl knows how to make a cocktail before I throw her on the floor."

Johnny nodded, whipping out his phone, "What time?"

"I don't really care, as long as it's after 8 o'clock so I can get some sleep before we open tonight. Just give her the run down of the uniform and have her fill out paperwork, leave the rest up to me."

"Got it boss!" Johnny mused, a bit too loud for my headache. I groaned again as I began hearing the familiar thud of blood pumping way too much to my head and finally I knew it was time to down a pill and hit the sack.

I couldn't take anymore thinking for the next six hours.

"And if Lacey decides to show up, tell her we closed down. I don't think she'll know the difference anyway," I mumbled, but Johnny had already fled the room. I sat up from my chair, pulling through my hair to get it out of my face. I needed to get out of here before I fainted on the floor and passed out for the second time today.

I exited my office as I took my first few steps into the pit of hell outside, today the sun just wasn't my friend, especially when I could barely open my eyes in the dark. I yanked open the door to my jeep, jumping inside as I started the engine.

I'd just think about it all later, that was my only resolution to the holes I just continued to dig into my life. Maybe a miracle would happen, but I wasn't counting on it. As long as I could find an ugly chick or a lesbian to run the bar, then I'd be set. No distractions, no temptations. Just straight business, although I didn't know how easy it'd be to get my hands on either one of them.

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