Chapter 2: Kensie

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"Yeah, right...," My jaw dropped, taking in the dress my roommate had so awkwardly suggested. My eyes roamed over the tightness of the red cinching and immediately my stomach twisted.

"I'm sorry," I protested, "There is no way in hell I'll be wearing that."

Chloe, my roommate and not-so-forced best friend came to my side, throwing the dress onto the bed.

"Fine," She soothed, plucking out a darker red dress from the bunch. I watched an eager smile spread across her dark lips, the feeling alone already telling me she was in no mood to settle.

"You're wearing this or I'm not taking you," She laughed, pushing the dress up to my front. She ran her fingers over the edges, planning out if it would fit me or not. After a few subtle head nods I could tell she was pleased, since when did I have my own fashion designer?

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going out tonight to attract attention. The fact that I am already wearing heels to this thing should be enough," I mumbled, tossing the heels onto the bed.

Chloe's dark brown eyes shot my way, her expression cold and rigid once I realized she still wasn't giving me an option.

"Fine," I snapped, grabbing the dress up, "But if anyone, and I mean anyone tries to pick me up wearing this and Steven finds out, then I'm in some real shit."


There was his name again and the second it left my lips, I already regretted saying them. Immediately Chloe realized what I had just done and swiftly came to my side, her previous demeanor disappearing like any good friend would do.

"Stop saying his name," Chloe frowned, pulling the hair from my face away. I hadn't noticed, but even with the mention of his name my eyes had begun to well up. Why was this so hard?

Steven was my boyfriend...well, my ex boyfr- I couldn't even say it and even the mere thought of him right now was making me want to curl up in a ball and die.

"It's so hard to just forget him," I spoke under my breath, my voice trailing off as I began to picture him.

No, snap out of it. He's not yours anymore.

"I know," She pressed a hand against mine, keeping her answers small. She knew trying to convince me not to think about him wouldn't work, because I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop thinking about what went wrong and how it happened so quick, I just couldn't get it or us out of my head.

"He doesn't deserve you. You know that right?" She responded, but this time with a bolder tone. I nodded, but it still didn't help.

I'd had my fair share of dicks and jerks come in and out of my life, I knew break ups were not only a part of life, but what made you who you were in a relationship - but there was always that one relationship, that one guy that makes so great of an impression, you can't help but compare everyone else to him. Steven was that guy for me, at least I thought so, but now I didn't even really know anymore.

"This was supposed to be the time of my life, Chlo. We were supposed to get married, we were supposed to grow old together. I still can't even say his name without thinking we're still, know, together."

"I know," She muttered, kicking around a few dresses with her toes. I knew she didn't know what to say either.

Steven and I met back in high school and long story short, we had been a story book romance the minute we met. He was incredible, the only man that had ever vied for my heart so quickly and with such intensity. He made me his world and so had I, our relationship progressing faster and farther then I could have ever imagines.

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