chapter eighteen - emotional

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"I'm not emotional

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"I'm not emotional."
Chapter 14: Emotional
Season 5 Episode 18: Ghosts
*Trigger Warning*
[Trigger warning mention of sexual assault and sexual harassment ]

"Tell us who you work for!" he screamed, swinging the bat with brutal force toward Isabella's ribs.

Isabella's arms were chained up to the ceiling, and a pained scream escaped her lips as the bat connected with her side.

"W-w-we don't work for anyone, I promise," Isabella pleaded, her voice breathy and strained as she tried to suppress a groan. "My husband and I are loyal to you and only you."

"Stop lying! Why was our warehouse raided right after you guys dropped off the drugs?" he shouted, his eyes filled with suspicion.

Isabella whimpered as his fist slammed into her face, the impact splitting her lip. She spat out the blood, trying to maintain her composure. "I already told you! We aren't the rats—my husband and I would never rip you off."

He scoffed at her, clearly unconvinced, and turned around to look at his table of weapons. The cold metal of the various tools glinted under the dim light, casting ominous shadows.

He picked up a knife from the table, his fingers tracing its edge as he walked back towards Isabella with a smirk on his face. "Well, I guess we're going to be here all night," he said, holding the knife up so she could see it clearly.

Isabella's breath quickened, fear flashing in her eyes as the blade caught the light. The smirk on his face widened, relishing in her terror as he closed the distance between them.


"Halstead, what's your position?" Hank's voice crackled over the radio as Isabella and Jay sat in his truck, parked near an old warehouse.

"100 yards out, and we have audio," Jay replied, speaking into his radio, his eyes scanning the area.

"Atwater?" Hank's voice came again.

"10-4, we got ears and anchor down," Kevin's voice confirmed.

"Once the truck from Texas arrives, wait for Antonio's signal, and then we move in," Hank instructed.

As they waited, Jay glanced at Isabella, noticing her worn expression. "Bella, you look a little tired. Rough night?" he asked, his tone laced with concern.

"You could say that," Isabella mumbled, running her hands through her hair, the events of the previous night still weighing heavily on her.

Suddenly, gunshots rang out from the yard, shattering the quiet tension. "Move towards the south entrance now!" Hank's urgent command came over the radio.

Jay immediately stepped on the gas, the truck lurching forward as they sped towards the entrance. The remnants of last night's thunderstorm had cleared the snow, leaving the ground wet and muddy.

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