Chapter 3 - Night Time Shenanigans

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TW - panic attack ⚠️

Neteyams pov -

I decided I would go for a late night swim to get used to the water. I figured it would be better to get used to it before having to dive around in it.

I went back to three brothers rock. There was a little sand area in front of it that had easy access to the reef, and no diving needed.

I started to walk in slowly. I made it till it was up to my lower stomach. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

That's when I felt something grab my leg and pull me under the water, making me lose my balance and fall. I swallowed a mouth full and quickly came back up to the surface, gasping for air.

I started to panic. What if something was in the water with me? What if something was gonna attack me? Did the sky people find us? Did they lie to my father?

With all these thoughts piling up, I found myself panicking even more. My breathing started to pick up, and my heart rate was reaching unimaginable speeds.

My vision was getting blurry. 'Oh, come on, not now!' I mentally screamed to myself.

I was panicking so much that I didn't even realize someone had taken me out of the water and leaned me against a tree in the forest behind three brothers rock.

"The way of water has no beginning and no end." I heard a deep, soft voice say. I realized whoever it was that their hand was on my chest where my heart was. I quickly put my hand over it, clutching it tightly.

"Our hearts beat in the womb of the world." I felt my breathing slowly slowing down as my vision started to come back. "The sea is your home before your birth, and after your death."

I closed my eyes tightly, still clutching onto the mysterious Navi's hand. "The sea gives and the sea takes." The mysterious boy said.

I slowly composed myself as I opened my eyes to be met with a pair of ocean blue ones. "Are you alright, forest boy?" Aonung asked with deep concern in his voice.

"I.. Aonung?" I questioned as I started to lift up the boys hand that was on my chest and move closer towards him. He didn't move. He just let me get in touch with my surroundings as it was very much needed at the moment.

I leaned forwards and he leaned closer so I could have better access to him. I touched his face and hair, and he chuckled lightly. I touched his muscular arms and then put my hand on his chest the way he had his on mine.

"It is alright, Neteyam." He chuckled, "You're okay. I am sorry for scaring you.. I didn't think it would affect you this badly."

I looked up at him before slowly nodding. I took my hand off of his chest and leaned against the tree. "How did you know?" I questioned as I fidgeted with my hands.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"How did you know I was panicking like that?" I questioned, my ears going down and my face heating up from the embarrassment I was feeling.

Day one, and I had already made a fool of myself. And of course, it was in front of the chiefs, son of all people.

"My mother used to get them a lot." He stated, his ears going down as well. "She would always need help with it, and we would always feel terrible for scaring her. I guess I have not fully learned my lesson, and for that, I am truly sorry."

"It is alright, you didn't know." I stated. He nodded in return. "So.. why are you out here so late?" I questioned, returning my gaze back to the Metekayina boy.

"I was doing the nightly lookout, making sure no Akulas had made their way past the ocean and into the reef. What about you, Forest Boy? Why are you here so late?" He questioned.

"I wanted to get used to the water before tomorrow's lesson. Now I'm gonna be terrified to to in..." I nervously chuckled.

This was bad. If I couldn't even get in the water without panicking, how was I supposed to do tomorrow's lesson?

"It will be okay. For now, don't go in the water at night. All Metekayina knows this." He chuckled. "We were gonna tell you guys the rules tomorrow. I guess we should have started today.."

"Why can't you go into the water at night?" I questioned.

"Because Akulas could get past the ocean and into the reef. That's not the prettiest of sights to see." He chuckled. "I have to continue my searching with the rest of the warriors.. you go back before you get hurt." I nodded and quickly made my way back.

"I shall see you tomorrow morning! Goonight!" Aonung called out.

I returned the gesture and continued to make my way home.


842 words!!!

Hope you enjoyed and have a lovely day!!

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