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Unsure of what just happened Ben stood up looking at his surroundings. "Ben? Where are we?"
"Some sort of ship, not mine"
Rey started looking around and could no longer feel Leia or Finn. Something was wrong. Definitely Wrong!
"I can't feel-"
"My mother...I can't feel her either...her signature is faint but alive...where are we?"
"On board a ship of some kind"
They both stood with each other and began walking. "Stay close to me" Ben holding out his lightsaber. Blushing at his protectiveness she really didn't need him of all people protecting her. She could handle herself.
"You don't have to protect me you know. If I can survive you then this is no different"
He wanted to argue but to no avail she would win that fight.
"I'm just...this is uncharted territory and I don't know where we are. I promised to take you back to the resistance and that's final"
"So you'll come with me?"
He froze and turned around to face her. "When the time is right"
"Why go back?"
"I need to"
"That's not a straight answer, your only going back so no one like Hux weasels his way as supreme leader"
"No don't, for a second there you thought you had me fooled but I'm not stupid"
He said in a warning tone.
"Why won't you just leave it?! You could end this war! Yet you want to sit on the throne of a dead man and that could probably be you next!"
"You don't know what you talking about!"
Kylo was getting mad.
"And you sure don't know what the word prove means, yet your trying to impress a dead man so you can be the next Vader!"
Kylo threw her into the wall with the force and she began to choke.
She strained to fight.
"Do it!" She shouted. Ben then let her go standing back.
Regret in his eyes and she just held him back. "I want to hate you I do, but hating each other doesn't work for either us. Let's just be...friends alright"
Ben didn't feel like they were just friends but he obliged and nodded his head down.
Rey held her lightsaber looking around the place as Ben followed her.

The ship rumbled making them stumble. "That was lucky"
"Looks like we're in a battle of some kind"
Rey then froze and looked at him.
"Does this mean we start fighting again?"
"I would not, I want to know where we are first"
He said walking down the hallway.
They came In front of a door and heard the sound of lightsabers clashing.
"Stay alert"
"I'm not one of your foolish troopers you know"
"Really, you must be referring to FN-2187"
"His name is Finn, you almost killed him last I saw"
"That was the idea"
"Must we go through this every five minutes"
"Must you be so angry"
"Your the one to talk about being angry"
He turned to face her.
"Do tell"
"You we're slashing out one of your consoles when Hux pissed you off"
"Your point?"
"You act like a brat for the most part whenever you don't get your way or when somebody gets under your skin, let's take me for example, you force choked me in thin air and slammed me again"
"Maybe that should serve you as your first lesson padawan"
"Least i know how to be human"
Rey muttered.
That stung to Ben and he forcefully opened the door revealing the sound of the lightsabers clashing.
"Are they-"
Ben was awestruck seeing the Jedi again. Rage was all he felt for them.
Hatred even.

"Don't even think about it"
"You don't even know these men"
"Really...let me ask them?"
Ben snatched her back and pointed to the man wielding a red lightsaber.
"At least he's calm about it"
That angered Ben to a certain degree.
"Then you know nothing of the sith"
"I know your not one, if you were you would have killed me back there"
She taunted back.
At this Ben was ready to snap.
"Struck a nerve again did i?"
Rey flinched as he yelled causing everyone to look their way.
Ren then stepped out and ignited his lightsaber.
"Who the kriff is that?"
"Come on Dooku, you never told me you took another apprentice"
"I didn't"
"Then who is he and who is she?"
"Ben don't" Rey grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back.

He aimed his saber at Dooku then the Jedi.

He aimed his saber at Dooku then the Jedi

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