Chapter 1

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Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color


He was dead.

He was dead, Kellogg the bastard who took my son was finally dead, and killed by my own hands.

I felt a whirl of emotions rush through me as I rode the elevator to the roof, using the wall as support. I felt sick, tired, confused and had a hollow feeling take root in my stomach. I let out a breath and closed my eyes. That fight had taken a lot out of me, more than I could have given. I had almost died.

If Nick hadn't been there I would have been left as nothing more than a smoldering pile of ash, to be swept up by Kellogg's synths. My back slumped against the wall and I sank down to my knees, my legs lacking the strength to keep me upright. I saw in the corner of my eye that Nick had taken a step closer to me, I was grateful that he didn't hover. "You okay there kid?" He asked, his yellow electronic eyes looked me over.

When I had first met Nick Valentine I had been daunted by those piercing hawk like eyes. Now though, now I thought they fit him rather well and he would look strange without them. "Yeah Nick, I'm fine. I'm just having some trouble telling my legs that." I joked. It was all to often now for me to make light of a bad situation. But hey, it was better than having that harsh reality slap you in the face. "I just need a minute."

Nick smirked and lit a cigarette, filling the tiny elevator with puffs of smoke. I hated that musky smell, yet after that fight I wasn't about to tell Nick to put it out. He deserved it. He also didn't have to come with me into that mess, but he wanted to and for that I was truly grateful. "Take all the time you need Kid."

We rode the rest of the way up in a comfortable silence. I slowly rose up when I heard the familiar ping letting us know we reached the top and final floor.

The doors slid open, venting out the elevator with a rush of air. I happily breathed in the heavy air of the outside. Sure it was mixed with radiation and smog, but up here the air was a bit cleaner. I closed my eyes and step out letting the cool autumn night air blow through my hair, and cool down my burning cheeks.

"Would you look at that." Nick whistled which caught my attention. Curious I turned and stared wide eyed and slacked jaw at the massive ship in the sky. What's a dirigible doing out here, and how is it even operational? I wondered, shocked. Who was it even? Friend or foe?

Nick must have seen the confusion play out on my face. "It's a Brotherhood ship, THE Brotherhood of Steel ship." He said with the edge of his voice. "It can't be good if they're suddenly showing to the party."

Stunned I turned my gaze back to the massive illuminated ship. It was certainly impressive to say the least. Especially during this fallout hell of a wasteland. I didn't think there would be any chance of any plane or ship to be airborne. Yet here was my proof and I was dumbfounded. The giant aircraft suddenly released what looked to be helicopters, yet they weren't like any I ever seen before. They had two propellers on both sides of the wings, not one in the middle. It kind of looked like if a small plane and a helicopter had a child. At least a dozen either flew around the dirigible while others were released from what seemed to be a docking port, and scattered themselves across the night sky, more than likely over the Commonwealth.

Suddenly a commanding, authoritative voice boomed all around me, knocking me out of my stupor. "People of the Commonwealth." It stated, his voice, whoever it was spoke firmly, without a hint of softness. I'd hate to meet that guy in person, he sounded grumpy. "Do not interfere. Our intentions are peaceful. We are the Brotherhood of Steel."

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