Chapter 2

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I can't say that I lost consciousness, but I certainly wasn't aware of myself, nor my surroundings for some time. I "woke" if that's the word for it when I heard a door creak open, followed by the shuffling of metal and booted footsteps around me. Hushed voices drifted to my ears, pulling me out of whatever state I had been in. They were unmistakeably familiar, yet I couldn't place a name, my mind still hazy from being unconscious. Though my back faced them, I could detect three separate voices.

"Permission to speak freely, sir?" Said a gruff voice before the door slid shut. He must have been following behind the other two. I knew the voice. Rhys. I bit back a groan. He probably wanted to discuss my recent reappearance, no doubt he had thrown a party when I left. I had hoped to avoid him when I got here, guess that was too much to ask for.

The second voice let out a short inpatient sigh, I recognized his instantly. "Permission granted Knight." Paladin Danse said, I could recognize the annoyed tone he gave Rhys, but it was paired with another emotion I couldn't quite place, concern, worry?

"Why are we allowing L/N back?" Rhys said practically demanding. How'd I know it be about me? Call me psychic. "She's not Brotherhood material sir. She's too hot headed, impulsive, immature, irresponsible and reckless. She nearly got you killed on the last few missions you've been on with her! That and her condition now only proves it! She's a danger to not only herself but to others."

"Rhys!" I heard the third hiss. Haylen. Had to be Haylen. "You can't just talk bad about her! Especially with her being in the same room!"

He was beginning to sound like a broken record. "I've already stated it to her face." He said flatly. "Sir, I'm merely expressing a concern. She is a danger to everyone around her, and she doesn't even care!"

"That's not true!" Haylen said raising her voice. "She does care! If she didn't she wouldn't have talked Brandis into coming back nor would she have helped me track down all that tech or-or even to stop and helped us with the ferals."

"She should have just kept on walking." Rhys snapped. "We'd be better off withou-"

Danse cut in after that, his voice stern and commanding. "Enough!" And just like that, it fell into a military silence as their commanding officer spoke. It surprised me how cold his voice sounded. I bet it Rhys too. "Knight, it is not your place to judge, especially so harshly. L/N is my recruit, therefore I will see to her. And Haylen, I appreciate your concern on the matter but you need not go any further. Now, you two are dismissed."

I heard both issue a 'yes sir' before the sound of their feet shuffled away and the door opened and closed behind them. Not too long after did I hear Danse let out of breath. He didn't leave with them? His heavy footsteps grew closer.

It was quiet for some time after that, though in the halls I could barely hear armor feet and muffled voices. I never thought the police station could be filled with so much activity. I was beginning to grow restless-and bored-with the silence, but before I could "wake" Danse spoke up, his voice barely above a whisper. He sounded so strained, so tired, but why? What happened while I was gone? "What the hell happened Y/N..."

The use of my first name sent my emotions into a spiral, I was certain that if I wasn't lying down, I'd be dizzy again. He never used my first name, hell I didn't think he knew it. I had been so used to either hearing Initiate, soldier or my maiden name, that it was nice to hear him use my name. It also made me want to hear him say it again.

I let out a groan effectively startling him. I heard his metal footsteps scuff away. Whether he was sitting or standing I wasn't sure. I opened one eye slowly, testing how my head reacted to the flood of lights. Not well for the moment, spots floated into my vision. I let out a real grown this time and smothered my face into the pillow. "L/N?" He asked sternly. I let out another groan, back to the last name, lovely.

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