Chapter 5

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"We found the man who kidnapped my-my baby." I said my voice suddenly growing horse. "His name was Kellogg, and he had been working with the Institute...he-he gave them Shaun."

My chest tightened and a burning sensation consumed my lungs. I placed a hand over my heart to try and control the breathing. It didn't help. "He also said that it's been a few years and that Shaun might be older than I think."

Piper's eyes widened as she brought a hand up to her mouth. "The Institute." She breathed. "Oh boy."

A solemn silence befell the room, I glanced between Piper and Nick, who both sat there gravely. I let out a sigh and clenched my hands into fists, my nails dug into the palms of my hand. "I have to get in there." I said, my tone set in determination.

Piper glanced up, I could see her eyes swimming with sympathy. "Not even Nick knows how to get in."

Nick had been about to speak when Danse cut in with a scoff. "I doubt that." Danse grumbled folding his arms over his chest. I shot him a look, but he ignored it with a turn of his head.

I looked back to Nick who was giving Danse a glare. He noticed me and drew his attention back to us. "No synth does." He said with a sneer. I had a feeling that it was directed towards Danse, who paid the comment no mind. "Security protocols strip those memories out."

"I'd imagine they'd have to be." I said. "They leave their synths lying everywhere."

Nick chuckled. "Guess they're mothers never taught them how to pick up their toys."

I shifted my weight in the seat and looked back and forth between Piper and Nick. "I need to find a way in." I urged. "It's not like they don't have a way in and out."

"I've been investigating these creeps for over a year now." Piper spat, drawing my focus to her. "They're Commonwealth's boogy man. Feared and hated by all."

Nick nodded his head as he brought his cigarette up to his lips. "True enough."

"Sometimes they snatch people in the middle of the night." Piper said causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. My heart gave a painful lurch at the thought of my baby being anywhere near those monsters. "But to this day, there's one thing nobody really knows."

Nick blew a puff of smoke into the air. "Where the Institute actually is, or how to get in."

"Exactly." Piper said as she leaned back in her chair.

I took a breath and looked over my shoulder to Danse, who was perched in front of the door, arms still crossed across his chest. I wondered if he even planned on joining in on the conversation, but I guess he might still be too angry. Stubborn oaf. "Danse." I said cautiously. "Do you have any ideas?"

"If the Brotherhood knew how to get in, we wouldn't even be having this conversation." He snapped.

I flinched in response, but before I turned away from him, I caught a brief glimpse of regret momentarily cross his face. I bit my lip and tore my gaze away from him. I looked to Piper, who was giving Danse a nasty look. I jumped in before Piper could say something that would set Danse off. He was already furious enough. "But there has to be someone who knows."

She turned back to me, her eyebrows knitted in concentration. "Hmm." She hummed as she took a breath of her cigarette. Then, as if a lightbulb had blinked to life above her head, her face lit up. "The guy who just handed them Shaun."

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