Chapter 6.

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Hi Guys!

As promised here is your weekly update.

Hope you enjoy the story and leave a lots comments for me.


Lily opened her eyes and closed them shut instantly when the bright light seemed to blind her. She slowly brought her right hand up and rubbed her eyes gently with the back of her hand and this time lifted her eyelid slowly, revealing her blue orbs that washed with confusion as she failed to recognize the surroundings.

Lily let out a painful moan when she tried to sit up and a throbbing pain shot through her head and out of instinct her right hand went straight to her forehead and she realized her head was wrapped with a bandage.

Easton was just beside Lily, he had sat on the stool just beside her bed the moment she was brought to the room after the surgery and had never left ever since. He was by her side, waiting for her to wake up and had fallen asleep but her painful whimper disturbed his deep slumber and he looked at her with drowsy eyes which widened the moment he realized she was finally awake.

Easton jumped on his feet and rushed to her, "Lily," He whispered her name, his tone indicating the relief he was feeling at that moment seeing her awake. "Oh god! You are finally awake." He hugged her lying figure, his head in the crook of her neck as he thanked heaven for her safety.

"I was so scared seeing you all unconscious in the pool of your blood. Please don't get hurt ever again." Lily felt his plea deep in her heart and she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. She had felt how tense his muscles were when he had hugged her but they visibly relaxed the minute she hugged him back.

"I am fine, Easton, nothing happened to me." Lily assured in her soothing voice but it came out a little raspy and even though she was feeling achy all over her body, she did not mention that to him. She knew there was nothing he could do about it and telling him that would only make him worried.

Easton nodded wordlessly and stayed there in her embrace for a few minutes until every fibre of his body was sure that Lily was fine. He broke the hug eventually and smiled at her which she returned.

His smile did not last long though as his focus was shifted to the white bandage her forehead was wrapped in and he palmed her face gently, "I am sorry, Lily. I really am." His voice was soft but full of remorse, "You got hurt because of me."

Lily knew he was in pain, his pain was visible in his eyes. His dark brown eyes were glinting prominently with guilt that it made her heart clenched.

"No, Easton, I did not get hurt because of you." it was the truth, she had fallen down the stairs and it was not his fault. "But you have surely hurt me with what you have said before I fell." That was the only thing he was supposed to be remorseful about and not for some accidents.

Easton casted his eyes down, his head ducked in shame as he knew she was right. The guilt burdened his shoulder. He knew he was wrong. He knew he had no right to treat her the way he did the other day. She was not at fault. "I know, Lily." He agreed.

"I know I was wrong and I am really sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me." He said in a pleading tone, his eyes still casted down as he felt ashamed to look at her.

Lily stayed silent for a few minutes and in that short period of time he felt like his heart was beating like crazy. She kept on studying his face and knew he really regretted what he had done and she sighed defeatedly and placed her hand on top of his and nodded slightly before speaking, "It's alright. I forgive you."

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