Chapter 10.

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Hey guys!

I apologize for skipping last week's update. I was away from home and did not get time to write.

I hope you understand. Anyway, here is the update for this week.

Try to share your opinions via comments and make sure to hit that star button to leave a vote.

Enjoy reading!!!


She raised her hand and knocked on the door twice before finally getting inside, not really waiting for the response from the other side. It did not even matter to her as it was him who had called her to request her immediate presence in his office.

"You asked for me, Mr. Maxwell?" Sarah asked in a professional tone as soon as she got inside.

"Oh, Sarah!" Easton beamed with happiness the moment he saw her, not letting the frown on her face affect his mood as he chose to ignore the fact that she was still upset with him and was not really talking to him. "Have a seat, I have good news."

Sarah looked at him with hesitancy before finally nodding her head and giving in. He looked happy, really happy and as much as upset she was, she did not have it in her to ruin his happiness especially when it had been so long since she had seen him this happy.

She settled herself on a chair across from him before finally asking, "what is it?" Her tone was still as professional as ever however it was her hazel eyes that were clouded with unspoken emotions.

"Mr. Thorne's PA called to confirm the project with our company!" Easton announced, his tone laced with delight and excitement over the first step of success he had been craving for.

"Really!" Sarah gasped in surprise, not expecting this at all as it had been a week to that presentation and since they had not heard anything back from them, she considered that it did not turn out in their favor. "That's great! That is really great! Thank God, we get it!" Sarah exclaimed as she jumped from her seat in pure bliss.

Easton could not help but laugh at her behavior as he also stood up from his chair and walked towards her. It was really a pleasant sight for him to see her this excited because it was really hard to get any reaction out of her. She was too composed most of the time.

Easton was about to embrace her petite figure in his arms when she suddenly flinched back and slapped his hands away, her eyes widened with such an unexpected move for him and lungs turned breathless, "W-What were you doing?"

A deep frown settled upon his face and his heart felt the sudden weight of agony and dejection as he stepped back, "I was going for a hug." He admitted in a restrained voice.

"What have I told you about touching me, Easton?" Sarah snarled venomously at him. Her hazel eyes burning with anger for the breach of her privacy.

"I-It is just a hug, Sarah!" Easton started off slowly however failed to control his emotions any longer and burst out at her. "A goddam hug won't make us a sinner!" He loudly exclaimed, his eyes glaring at her with unsaid resentment.

"We have already been through this, Easton." Sarah rasped out, a little breathlessly as she witnessed those swirling emotions in his eyes. They held anger and it was for her. It was for her because she was keeping him away from loving her.

"And you are right. A hug won't make us a sinner because we already are one." She added with a sad smile adorning her pretty face as she looked at the man she fell in love with, a man who was already married to another.

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