Chapter 7.

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A knock was heard disturbing the gloomy silence that seemed to surround their home. Easton turned the door knob slowly as he carefully entered inside their bedroom holding the breakfast that he had prepared for her.

His focused gaze shifted from the tray to the bed and a frown instantly made its way on his face as he found her in the position he had left her in an hour ago.

Easton had woken her up and had asked her to take a bath he had prepared for her while he would get the breakfast ready for her as she needed to take her medication after that. He had returned an hour later, expecting to see her bathed and ready to proceed with the day but was deeply disappointed to see her still laying on her back, blankly staring at the white ceiling.

His frown deepened as he slowly approached her, putting the breakfast tray on the coffee table on his way as he soundlessly sighed and called her softly, "Lily?"

He received no response and extended his arm to shake her a little, trying to gain her attention. "Lily, are you alright?" his voice was laced with concern.

Lily closed her eyes as his words reached her ears and took a deep breath before answering him with a mere hum and a slight nod.

Easton felt dejected, he had been feeling this way from the last week, ever since her birthday but decided to act rationally instead of heeding to his feelings.

"Why have you not taken the bath I have prepared for you?" He asked as he gently caressed her blonde hair.

Lily felt the way he softly touched her hair and it made her gulp the invisible lump in her throat as she pushed his hand away. "I did not feel like having a bath." She answered, her tone plain as she rejected the affection she had been craving to receive from her husband.

Easton went silent and retracted his hand back. His dark brown eyes watched the way she coldly rejected him and it hurt him. Her action caused the immense pain in his chest but like always, he stayed silent, gulping his feelings down his own throat.

"Alright," He faked a chuckle to lighten the heavy silence, a feeble way to mask his emotions with a sickly-sweet tone, "Let's have breakfast. You also need to take your meds."

Lily shifted on the bed and laid on her left hand as she showed him her back, "I am not hungry." Her answer was simple and was deliberately kept short with the clear intention of not wanting to speak with him more and he could tell that.

Easton's brow furrowed together upon hearing her and he sighed again, "Lily, you need to eat. Come on, get up now." His voice was soft as he was trying to deal with her patiently.

"I said I am not hungry!"

"But you need to take your meds-" Easton tried to convince her again, letting the way she had nearly shouted at him slip until she interrupted him again, oh so rudely!

"What would those damn medicines do?" Lily shouted as she finally lifted her eyelids up and revealed her light blue orbs which were glistening with the hue of anger and pain. "Would they be able to get me my baby back? Tell me, Easton, would those god damn medicines be able to make up for what I have lost?!"

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