Chapter 6

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"What -Whats happening to me." , I yell as thé medical staff began an IV.
"Shamooooooy!" , I scream because I'm scared. I can't fight the medication much longer . Its like I'm screaming but know one can hear me . Am I mute?
I need him where is he. How could he just leave me like this . I examine my still body .

" She has a fractured spine. Concussion in the membrane of the brain function. Her heart is slowly but surely decreasing. I advise all family to get here now ." , Says this African doctor his voice is deep mostly due to his accent. My mother looked drained , as if her life sat in a pause. My father , he looked as if he wanted to kill the doctor," You do everything you can for her , for my - my Marie .",yells my father as he shoves the doctor up against the wall. "Yes- ye-Yes sir. " , the doctors barely chocked out . When my dad finally released him he looked as if he could shit a brick .

My brothers arrived one by one . Each , taking the news differently. Edward'Govani , he is in shocked . Literally , he's sitting their staring at a wall. Looking like he's waiting for it to say something .But it's not.

Hovani , He broke down from crying to anger to depression. He was screaming and yell. "Why what did she ever do to deserve this.",yells Hovani . Their was so much pain and sadness in his voice and his face looked as if he was gonna throw up.
Devoni , he's always so calm. He cried silently to himself with a deadlock stare . He's not one to express his emotions especially not publicly .But he just couldn't hold any of this in.
"Zime baby girl if you can hear me please don't leave me, I'll let you date. I won't try and control you . I love you just come back to us. You were our miracle baby , don't let us lose you now." , prays my brother, barely above a whisper.

I was to late to save her. By the time I got to her it was to late. Her body laid their , lifeless. Eyes bloodshot open. My baby, damn you don't know you love someone till they gone. Wait love? Man shit I love her. I do . I'm just scared to admit it , how would I have said it .Guess I'll never get to say it.
I called 911 , they arrived in no time. I guess because of who I am . I'm pretty sure they thought my ass did something wrong. The police held me up asking questions and shit. Man the only thing on my mind was my girl. Shid fuck all these questions. These muthers fuckers getting on my nerves on me.
"Sir, what is your relation to the victim on tonight ." ,he asked looking hesitant to my answer.
"She's my girl iight!, Damn anything else.", I roughly asked , cause I'm starting to get pissed off I gave him my accident report . He just had question after question . At some point I knew he was scanning me. " Look nigga what ever yall think yall bought to get me for . It ain't happening . I didn't do shit , Check all you want ,but I'm going check on my baby . I'm out." ,and with that I got back in my Bently and followed the direction of the sirens . There was so much traffic it took me two hours to get there.

When I arrived, Her family was already here. Damn news spread fast .
" Shamoy what the hell are you doing here . ", yells Devoni . I knew we was gonna bud heads but I didn't think this soon.By this time all her family members gave me their attention. Her brothers looked ready to kill.
" I was their.", I spoke confident , but not to be sarcastically at all. I guess this is my first impression . Her father was tall as hell. How she so short? He walked over to me , with his sons following close behind . Great I'm surrounded .
" The fuck do you mean you were their?", Asked her father . He's accent is hella rich. When I say I barely understood I mean , huh?
"We were together , then she got out to use the pay phone because she didn't want anyone to know where she was." " And that she was with me." , I say humbly .
"You Fucking my daughter? ",Asked her father.
"JIONNI!",yells what looks like her mother. Oh yeah that's her mother . Short ahhhhhs .They look like twins.
" Marisa stop , answer it , boy.", he's towering over me by now . He's like 7'0 even .
" No , were not intimate . Were just dating . Getting to know each other is what she calls it .", I say honestly. They sigh in relief. Devoni looks ready to explode. I've never seen him so angry. And I know the nigga that his fanily don't . I mean we've lost money , been through some real rough shit but right now he's angry ass hell.
" I told your ass to stay the fuck away from her.This is all your fault .You don't love her. You never will. You just wanna fuck and duck her ass . Like you do with all these hoe's running around here. Shit , I know you den fucked almost 3 of these nurses in the Trauma department. ", he gets into my face. I Push his ass back. Niggah might be , my nigga , but you ain't punking me on God . I ain't going out like that for nobody . Both his twin and older brother are joining in now .

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