Episod 1

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This story gonna be English and malay language so harap harap faham ye and I don't really follow the timeline of how the series is so there will be mix of scene together.

Walking towards the school and look at the big school "waaah... besarnya sekolah ni... harap harap tak kecoh lah ye" Nurul jalan kat entrance and saw a student with a tie "Hello nama saya nurul umm saya akan belajar kat sini"

He looked at me up and down. "Um ni sekolah lelaki tau?" I nodded "Tahu tapi saya dapat masuk kat sini tahu pelik but hmm" He nodded. "Nama saya naim come I will show you" Nurul walked beside him. "Also umm bole tak kita pakai kau aku bukan saya or awak mcm tak sesuai" He chuckled "ok ok"

"Okay ni tempat registration and I will get you to your bunk" I nodded at him and waited for the registration to finish.

"So this is your bunk, also kita takde special bed for you cos kita tak expect ada perempuan kat sini so yea" I nodded. "But no worries kalau apa apa just call me" I nodded "Okay bole thank you Naim" I smiled and went in.

Nurul put her stuff inside locker and look at her bed. "Welp if this is my life for now. I don't mind I guess" Nurul sighed and sat down at her bed. She tidy up her locker then she heard the door open and saw other kids coming in.

"Eh awak salah tempat ke?" Nurul shaked her head. "Tak saya memang letak kat sini ni umm I know only girl here but yea also they don't have other room for me so I'm stuck here." Nurul smiled at the guy. He nodded and bring others in.

"Well I am Ayam" He pulled out his hand to shake. "Umm sorry aku tak pegang tangan lelaki..." Ayam pulled his hand in "Oh sorry tak sengaja" Nurul chucked "Nah its okie" and smiled.

"This is fakhri and this is ikhsan semua ni budak baru mcm kau" I nodded and waved at them. One smiled cutely while the other one just nodded his head. "Well jom kita tidy up this place because four of us need to settle ourselves" We nodded at him and tidy up our own beds and lockers.

After that Ayam told us about the school. "Sooo pagi bagun awal sembayang kat surau tapi kau..." Ayam looked at Nurul "Takpe i sembayang kat sini je" Ayam nodded "okie then class blah blah lepastu sembayang lagi lepastu lunch and then class then break sembayang lagi on and on"

Nurul looked at Ayam with a done face "I know too much but hmm nak buat mcm mana" Ayam said straighten his tie. "Okay now let's go for a tour Okay?" We nodded and walked around the school.

Bila tengan jangan kat hallway tiba Fakhri terlangga lagi satu budak with a curly hair. "Eh tak tahu tengok pe?" The curly hair looked at him.

Nurul could feel that fakhri is going to blow up but sebelum apa apa jadi ayam dengan pantas cakap. "Kahar dier tak sengaja tu sorry eh dier pun budak baru keep it easy okie" The curly guy hair who's name is kahar looked at Ayam then turn to look at his gang and scoffed.

"Aaa budak baruuu..." Kahar smirked at the boys then tilt his head a bit and looked at me "aaaa so ni yang perempuan tu" He smirked at Nurul and wave his fingers at me "Hello" Nurul smiled and nodded her head a bit "okok dah belah lah" Kahar said.

Ayam then grab fakhri arms and lead the way while Nurul and Ikhsan trying to stand away from Kahar and the gang. They continue walking and went back to their dorm.

Sitting down with their clothes change to their home clothes. "Jadi ni lah sekolah kita and-"

*knock* *knock*

"Siapa pulak tu" Ayam cakap going to the door. "Eh naim apa buat kan sini?" He looked inside and stare at Fakhri and Nurul. "Kahar asked all of us to kumpul kat dewan now" All of us went out and walked to dewan.

"Naim kau okay tak?" Nurul asked while grabbing his long sleeve shirt and moving it. Naim looked down and smiled. "Yea I'm okay" He was about to patt her head but Nurul quickly dodge "No haram to touch me" Naim was stunned "oh sorry sorry I didn't know u were really strict" Naim quickly back off a bit. "Oh nah its fine as long u don't do it again" Nurul smiled at him.

Fakhri turn around and saw the conversation and stare at them that caught both of their attention when they were walking towards him. "Why Fakhri?" He stare at Nurul eyes and shaked his head. "Nothing" And walked off.

When all of them arrived at the dewan. Nurul was scared and didn't know what to do "Naim nak gi mana ni?" Nurul looking around seeing all the boys standing in one line each. "Just diri in front of me" Nurul nodded and stood in front of Naim and beside her was Fakhri.

Then the door of the dewan open and came out four boys and stood at the stage looking at us.

(Since I malas nak type sangat I will skip to the iconic line)

"Nama aku Kahar, Kapla High council" He glared at everyone and then stopped when he saw me. He smirked and walked to me.

Nurul was scared of what he will do. She turn around and looked at Naim who is already glaring at Kahar. "Nama Nurul kan?" He said looking at me with that playful smirked. Nurul nodded and looked around seeing everyone just looking at the front except for Naim and Fakhri who were just looking at Nurul.

"Awak betul ke nak join ni? There's no turning back well if your sca-" Nurul then interrupt him "Yes betul I nak join" The gang laugh "Okay okay bole" kahar smiled and walked off

But without them knowing Nurul might actually be the strongest fighter there. Nurul just have to play dumb until she said it or someone expose her.

Skip to dorm.

"Weh Nurul kau biar betul kau nak join?" Nurul turn to Ayam and nodded. "Yup beside is normal I guess" Ayam look at her shocked. "Kau biar betul" Nurul nodded and put back her telekung at the drawer and sleep at the bed. "Okay bye semuaaaa" then semua orang pun tidur

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