Episod 11

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I woke up from my sleep and it was a great sleep to be honest after what happen it felt great.

After I shower, I went back and take my school stuff inside the dorm and waited for Ikhsan and Ayam.

Ikhsan went out and smiled at me "Helloooo" I smiled and replied back "Hellooo my teddy bear" Ikhsan rolled his eyes playfully and smiled.

"Mana Ayam?" I asked Ikhsan. "Kau tengok lah sendiri" I went inside and saw Ayam was trimming his nails.

I scoffed and walked to him. I grabbed the nail trimmer and throw it at his table. "Oi! Gi class jom" I grabbed his sleeves and dragged him to class.

"Sabar lah kau ni Fakhri belum siap" I scoffed at his sentences. "Kau tunggu aku malas" I said walking away from him and Ikhsan.

"Aini! Trish!" I ran to them and give a good nudge. "Weh kau ready Tak Hari ini?" I shrugged my shoulder and walk inside the class.

"Okay class today we will be doing essay and the topic is about what things or who makes you feel safe" Then the class goes on and on. Class is over but I continue staying in class even though all my friends and teacher have went out.

"Things that makes me feel safe..." I sighed and try to think since the start I haven't even start yet. I bite my pen until someone snatch it away from me.

"Weh!" I said and looked at the person who snatch it away from me and it was Kahar.

"Tsk give me" I said try to snatch it back from him. "Kau ni nasib aku ambil Dari kau, tengok pen ni dah nak pecah" He said showing me the part where the pen is going to break.

I rolled my eyes and snatch the pen away from him. "Apa kau nak?" I ask him still looking at the essays.

"Saja nak tengok muka awak" He said staring at me. I looked at him giving him a judging face and look back at the paper.

"Apa kau tengok tu kat paper?" I sighed and looked at him. "Ni cikgu suruh buat essay about what or who makes you feel safe tapi aku Tak tahu what or who" I said dropping my head on the table.

"Ooo kau fikir betul betul siapa make you feel safe?" He said still staring at me. "Ummm kalau bila dulu mak bapak aku lah yang jaga aku yang selalu kasi aku tenang selepas Dia orang takde aku Tak tahu siapa yang aku feel safe, Aini Dan Trish yes tapi i just don't feel the same way as how my mom and dad would" I sighed and stare at the window looking at the skies.

"Aku nak tanya kau sikit bole?" Kahar asked me. I nodded still looking at the sky. "Kenapa dengan parents kau?" That question caught my attention which made me looked at him and looked at the table.

"Umm aku Tak leh cakap-" Kahar then interrupted me. "Takpe aku faham kau belum trust aku lagi it's okie take your time. If you need anything I will be here for you" He said smiling.

I looked at him feeling hurt. 'How does this guy still have a mood to be smiling at me after what happen' I said in my mind.

I grabbed my small first aid kit that I put in my bag and grab a cotton ball and an iodine and apply to Kahar'a wound.

"Sini muka kau" Kahar listen to me and bring his face forward. I tap at the affected area "Aduh" Kahar flinched feeling the sting. I chuckled "Sikit je kut" Kahar raised his eyes brows "Hellooo sikit sikit pun sakit tau" I rolled my eyes playfully and continue apply.

That one point I purposely apply at the wound with force. "ADUH!" I laugh almost falling back and quickly stable myself. Kahar looked at me and laughed "Padan Muka kau" He said while laughing at me who almost fell down.

"Dah lah jom" I said packing my stuff. He nodded and waited for me at the door. I walked to him and looked at his face.

"Kahar thank you, selepas apa yang terjadi awak tetap ada senyuman kat muka awak" I said still looking at him and adjust his collar properly.

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