Episod 13

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This episod a bit violent but not violent sangat harap harap faham Ye Nurul sudah jadi MARAH spoiler sikit hehehehe

Author pov

Nurul looked at Iliana and Iliana stab Nurul at her stomach.

Nurul gasp feeling the knife went inside her intestines. Nurul let go of her and she fall back.

"NURUL!" Aini, Amir, Kahar, Fakhri, Ikhsan and Ayam shouted her name and ran to her and Aini was the first person to hug her tightly.

Trish ran to Iliana and push her away "Kau dah kenapa huh!?" Trish shouted at her glaring at her "Dah gila ke pe?!"

Meanwhile Aini was hugging Nurul "Nurul Nurul Nurul please jangan jangan" Nurul shake her head. "Aku Tak Kan pergi lah" Nurul said breathing as much air as she can.

She chuckled at her friends reaction. "Kau bole ketawa lagi" Trish asked feeling worried for her and wiping off the mud on Nurul's face. Blood was flowing out of her body. Nurul tried to stand up slowly.

"Eh awak nak buat apa ni?" Kahar asked.

"Weh kau buat apa ni" Ikhsan asked and was about to stopped Nurul but Nurul said "Aku belum mati lagi" Nurul breath in. "Aku tetap Akan lawan dier" Nurul looked at Kahar jacket and asked him "Pinjam Jacket kau?" Kahar nodded and give her the jacket.

Nurul take the jacket and tighten it around her wounded stomach to stop the bleeding. Nurul stood up slowly with Aini and trish's help. "Aku bole..." Nurul grudge "Korang pergi balik tempat korang" They looked at Nurul weirdly. "Kau biar betul?" Trish looked at Nurul confused and worried for her.

"Ye aku masih hidup ni. Dier nak sangat kan... aku Akan kasi dier apa maksud nya untuk jadi kapla" Trish nodded at her and signal the rest to go away from her by tilting her head to the side.

But Kahar stayed beside her. "Apa apa lari kat aku" Nurul smiled at him and nodded still holding the wounded area.

Nurul turn back facing Iliana. She walked towards Iliana and sighed feeling exhausted since she is loosing a lot of blood.

Iliana judge Nurul up and down and scoffed "Kau masih ah?" Nurul nodded "kau dah menipu sesi ni, kau ingat kau Akan jadi Kapla ke?" I laughed at her and shake my head. "Jom... aku cabar kau. AKU CABAR KAU BUNUH AKU! MARI SINI!" Iliana smirked and walked towards Nurul with her knife.

"Panjang umur, hantu Nurul dah keluar lah ni" Trish said wiping her sweat off from her forehead feeling nervous.

"Huh? Hantu Nurul?" Kahar asked confused same goes to other guys.

"Ye, sekerang kau tengok bukan Nurul biasa dah" Aini said feeling scared. "Oh yea baru aku ingat Nurul cakap dengan aku yang kalau sesiapa kasi dier marah dier Akan jadi orang yang gila macam gitu" Ikhsan said. The boys looked at Ikhsan disbelief then looked at the girls for confirmation.

Aini and Trish nodded, the boys swallow their saliva hard and looked at Nurul.

Nurul Pov

I walked towards her limping and then start running towards her not caring about my wound I step on her right thigh sat on her shoulder, both of us fell backwards and I tighten my legs like and X shape and suffocate her while pulling her head up, trying to pull her head off.

Iliana was too focus on trying to stop me that she let go of her knife and tap my leg to make it stop. I let go of her and grab her left arm and twist it

"KAU NAK SANGAT KAN LAWAN AKU! AKU KASI KAU MACAM MANA NAK LAWAN UNTUK KAPLA" I shouted at her, blood was boiling inside of me. I still twisting her arm and patah kan tangan dier.

Iliana screamed and cried.

"Sakit lah bodo!" Iliana scream. Her hand till her forearm was twisted backwards. I smirked at her. "Ni lah sesi Jusqu'à la mort. Lawan sampai mati kan?" I walked towards her and punch her face.

I grabbed her collar and punch her.

"KAU" I punch her each time after I said a word to her. "NAK" "SANGAT" "KAN" "AKU" "KASI" "KAU" "RABAK" "RABAK" "OI PEREMPUAN" "KORANG SEMUA DENGAR SINI!" I shouted at the girls and pointing at everyone. Then continue back punching Iliana "AKU NURUL AQIAH BINTE ABDUL HAKIM" "KAPLA" "KUDRAT PEREMPUAN HIGH COUNCIL" "DAN AKU PERTAMA DAN TERAKHIR KAPLA UNTUK GENERASI INI!" then I give her the strongest punch and dropped her.

I looked at Trish and nod my head to let her count.

"Sepuluh..., Sembilan..., Lapan..., Tujuh..., Enam..., Lima..." while Trish is counting I looked at Iliana body don't even care she is dead or alive. I just glare at her.

"Empat..., Tiga..., Dua..., Satu..." Everyone applaud. "KETUA KAPLA DIRESTUI!" Trish shouted feeling happy for me. I turn around seeing everyone was watching and I didn't even realise that budak budak sekolah aku was watching also. Every girls give a proud smile and clapped for me. I smiled at them knowing that they supported me in this sesi.

Then I saw a woman walking towards me. Her face was not normal actually her most left side of her face was recovered by a burn.

I looked at her closely and it realised it was my mother. "IBU!" I shouted and she ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"Oh Nurul okay tak sayang?" She said wiping of the mud at my face. "Nurul okay"

Trish pov

I looked at Aini who is already looking at me. "Eh Ibu dier lah" Aini nodded at me and looked shocked. Then I saw one of the Iliana girl, she was grabbing the knife and looked at Nurul. Then she ran to Nurul.

"NURUL BELAKANG KAU!!" Nurul turn and Tak sempat nak elak she got stab again.

Nurul tried to hold her but too weak and dropped to her knees and fell.

"PEREMPUAN TAK GUNA!!" Me and Aini ran to her and punch her until her face was swollen.

Nurul POV

"NURUL BELAKANG KAU!" I looked at Trish then turned around and saw one of the girl ran towards me and stab me near my heart area. She still stayed there looking at me "Mati kau" She said. I hold her shoulder but not strong enough since I lost too many blood and my vision became blurry and I dropped to my knees and fell facing downwards.

"Nurul!" That was the last thing I heard from my mother.

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