Episod 4

567 17 0

At Camp bulan madu

"Hello semua Selamat datang ke camp bulan madu" Kahar said smirking at all of them. "Sekarang korang pasang tent tent korang lepastu jumpa aku kat sini nanti" All of us went to the big space to fix up our tent.

"Eh Fakhri tolong lah aku" Fakhri look at Ayam then looked at Nurul who is just shaking her head and doing her own tent with Ikhsan helping her since he already done with his tent.

"Weh apa ni camp bulan madu kenapa kita kena buat ni semua?" Ayam sighed and looked at him "nanti je lah kau tahu sekarang tolong lah aku haissh"
"Ye lah ye lah" Fakhri menolong Ayam membuatkan tent itu.

"Weh Ikhsan?" Ikhsan hummed "Lelaki tu siapa? Kau tahu" Ikhsan look at the guy who is sitting inside his tent waiting for other instructions "Oh itu Ariz" He whispered at me. I nod my head while continuing finishing my tent.

"Kenapa kau suka dier ke?" Ikhsan smirk and raised his eyebrows. "Maybeee" I chuckled finishing my tent and sat down.

Lepastu kahar panggil Kita balik kat campfire tu. "Kita akan main game. Satu orang akan tanya soalan. Kalau org tu Tak jawab, opponent dier akan dapat tumbuk dier. Mcm gini. Ayam sini"

Ayam went up to kahar "Apa benda yang kau tak suka pasal aku?" Ayam kept quiet and looked around. After 3 seconds Ayam got beat up by Kahar. I looked at Ayam seeing if he is okay. Ayam walked back beside me and grabbing his stomach. "Kau okay tak?" I whispered softly to not create a scene. He nodded.

"Jadi sekarang Naim Dan Fakhri" I glared at Kahar knowing he really doing this on purpose. "Naim apa benda kau benci kat Fakhri?" Kahar count 10 second. Fakhri was about to hit Naim but Naim answered back.

Fakhri listening to what he said and glaring at him. "That's what I hate about you" both of them walked off. I looked at Naim and give him a soft smiled and he of course return it back. "Skrg Ikhsan and Nurul" Both of us looked at each other.

We walked up in front of Kahar "okay Ikhsan apa kau benci sangat kat Nurul" Kahar smirked and count to 10. "5 4" Nurul whispered to Ikhsan ears "tipu je" Ikhsan nodded "aku benci kau sbb kau ni selalu ganggu aku Dan kau selalu kacau aku mcm aku ni orang apa. Aku Tak suka Sampai bila bila" Nurul was stunned.

But then before they walked off Kahar punch Ikhsan "Oi kau Pahal!?" Nurul stand between Ikhsan and Kahar so Kahar will stop. "Takleh tipu"

I was so angry and want to beat him until he sees the day light "okay fine aku ckp, Abdul kahar aku benci kau, kau ingat kau baik sangat kau bole buat apa apa kau nak. But no okay you should know that you have limits. You understand that muka je Hensom tapi perangai buruk. Kau dengar sini eh kapla ke apa kita ni manusia and kau pun sama" I walked off while ikhsan following me sitting down at the bench.

Kahar scoffed and continued with the games. After the horrible game seriously i dont know why they enjoy this, the gang give us a drink. "Mulai hari ini kita orang semua jantan" kahar gave a small speech and yes everyone cheered while me just looked at the grass.

I smell the drink scared there's alcohol in it and it doesn't so I just took a bit of sip and then hazeem push the cup up so that all the water went inside my mouth and I swallow it. I glared at him and he flee away.

Then I felt so dizzy and I saw Ayam arm was hanging around Fakhri shoulder. "Oi apa kau dah buat?!"

Kahar smirked and looked at Fakhri "The next activity will be your worst nightmare. Where you all will be feared by your own fear. And you guys will be out in 3 2" I looked at Kahar and try to walk away but the last thing I remembered was someone shouting "1..."

I opened my eyes and found out that I was laying on the grass looking around to see if my friends are here "Fakhri! Ayam! Ikhsan!" I looked around and turn to look behind and saw a girl and that girl resembled my best friend who is in coma still.

"Aini?" I walked towards her. Her face was full of blood "Aini?!" She point her finger at me "kau lah yang punca ni semua! Pasal kau aku kena coma!" I looked at her terrified "Tak Tak bukan aku, aku kena frame weh iliana yang frame aku yang aku lagi hebat tapi tak aku Tak ingat mcm gitu pun" tears coming out from my eyes and hoping that this isn't true.

Kahar pov

After watching Ayam being haunted by his fear. We went to Nurul and see what is going on with her. "Aku Tak ingat macam gitu pun" tears was coming out from her eyes. Then she grab a piece of wood that look sharp as heck. "Weh apa dier nak buat tu weh" Hazeem was starting to get worried.

"Diam lah tengok lah dulu apa dier nak buat" Zahrin said focusing at the scene. Then I looked at her who is turning around and looking terrified and I realised that she is going to kill herself "Dier nak bunuh diri dier" I ran as fast as possible before she could stab herself I hold the wood and throw it away from her and shake her sleeve without touching her. "Nurul bangun! Nurul!"

Nurul pov

Aini walk around carrying a wooden stick "Aini kau nak buat apa?" My body was shaking so badly that I scared what she will do to me. "Aku.... aku nak bunuh kau" Aini smirk at me "huh? Aku Tak buat salah weh" Aini scoffed "Tak buat salah.... Weh pasal kau punya sesi aku kena coma tau"

I shake my head looking at her "Tak aku Tak buat, iliana yang buat kau marah kat aku that's why kita gaduh" I explain to her. "Kau ni memang kena mati" She ran towards me and then....

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