Episod 6

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Author pov

The next day

Everyone crowd around Zahrin who is wearing pants only and shoes and Nurul wearing hoodie,jogging pants, covered shoes and a black gloves.

Zahrin was smirking thinking he will win this fight smoothly. While Nurul thinking should she just finish him up or just let him win.

"Sesi retu rumah lekir tiga dua satu" Kahar said. Zahrin shout while running to you. Nurul dodge his punch and kicks.

Zahrin then kick Nurul's stomach with that she got thrown down to the floor. "Nurul kau okay Tak?" Ayam bend down and look concern. Nurul nodded "Yea aku okay"

Zahrin came back kicking Nurul at the side which he is wearing shoes,suppose to take it off but since Nurul is wearing so it should be a fair game and again Nurul got thrown to the floor. Nurul stood up bruises on her hands.

"I knew it you're weak, you will never win a fight" Zahrin said laughing at her. Nurul laugh quietly but the boys can hear and she smirked slightly at Zahrin while standing up slowly.

Everyone looked at her confused. "Kau gile pe?" Zahrin asked. "Dah kenapa dengan perempuan ni?" Kahar asked the boys beside him. Everyone shrugged their shoulders.

Ikhsan then shouted "You are so dead" Zahrin glared at him that made Ikhsan looked down at the floor.

"Weak?" Nurul said still smiling. "Weak!?" Nurul widened her eyes while taking big step then ran towards him and give him a hard kick at the chest. That made him fall worse than what he did to her.

"I am not weak...." Nurul tighten her black fighting gloves, squad down and looked at Zahrin. "You are the one who is weak, Aku bole bunuh kau dengan sekelip mata lah" After Nurul said that, Zahrin looked at her scared and shake his head.

Nurul stood up and walk to Fakhri.

"Nurul belakang!" Fakhri shout. Nurul turn and Zahrin was about to punch her but she kick him at the chest and he got thrown to the floor. Zahrin again stood up and ran to you but you stop him by saying...

"Aku Tak pernah dengar rules korang jadi aku bole buat apa yang aku bole Kan?" Nurul smirked and kick his face hard and made him fall down flat. Nurul smiled and squad down beside Zahrin.

Nurul smirked and laughed "Jangan, jangan sesekali pun cari gaduh dengan aku...." Nurul scoffed and looked at Kahar.

"*sighed* Now apa kau nak cakap kat aku?" Nurul smirked. "Direstui" Kahar said looking at Nurul still shocked of what happen. Nurul smirked and walked off. "EEEEEEE NURUL" Ayam scream and was about to hug you but you looked at him with a done face "Oh Sorryyy..." Nurul smiled and walked off "Let's go" Nurul said. Ayam stuck a tongue at Zahrin and walked away that made Nurul laughed.

Kahar Pov

"Apa perempuan ni Ada eh?" Kahar asked Hazeem "Entah mana aku tahu, kau Tanya aku pulak, macam lah aku Abang dier atau bapak dier" Kahar glared at Hazeem. "Tak aku-" Hazeem got scared but Kahar shaked his head and help Zahrin.

Nurul Pov

I get my aid kit and heal my cut skin. "aduh aduh sakit" Tears was about to come out. Then a hand take the cotton away from me and I looked up "Fakhri?" He smiled and bend down to look at my skin "Sini aku buat kan untuk kau" Fakhri pat the cotton at my cut "adui sakit lah" I glared at him "Buat pelan pelan"

"Okay okay sorry" Fakhri finish up the rest of the wound at my face. I stare at his face and looked at my hands. "Macam mana kau tahu nak fight?" Fakhri asked keeping the first aid kit.

*Alamak mcm mana nak ckp ni nak bilang dier terus atau Tak, takpe just cakap bapak ajar well memang pun bapak ajar*

"Umm bapak ajar untuk defence Kan diri sendiri... terima kasih buat kan ni" Fakhri smiled "Sama Sama"

"Aku gi beli air jap" He nodded and I walked out from the dorm.

Sebenarnya tak pun just want to get away from the awkward situation. While staring at the scenery I heard someone coughing. I turn around and saw Kahar

"Buat apa kat sini "I glared at him. "Tangan awak okay?" He asked standing beside me looking at the sky "okie je awak kat sini buat apa?" He looked at me and give an ice pack "ni untuk awak taruk kat muka Dan bruises yang sakit tu"

I looked at him weirdly "kenapa tiba tiba baik ni?"

"Saja je, also sesi nanti aku Dan Fakhri Akan lawan selepas Naim Dan Ariz" I nodded my head. "Awak tu jaga diri baik baik if you need help I will try be there" he nodded at me and still staring at the skies "Okay aku gerak dulu" I said walking off.

"Nurul jap" I rolled my eyes "Apa lagi?" I whined stomping my feet. "Hehehe cute lah kau" I judge him and shake my head

"Tak aku nak Tanya ni, Awak single?" I got stunned my his question "Tak" I walked off before he could say anything. I chuckled and walked off actually I am single, just wanted to get away from him.

At the dorm

I sat down and saw that Fakhri bend down again beside my bed with a roller bandage "sini tangan awak" I gave my right hand to him and he carefully wrap my hands without skin contact.

I smiled and looked away "Apa sengih sengih ni?" Fakhri said, I looked at Fakhri who already staring at me "Kenapa awak buat ni?" He chuckled at my question.

"Because-" Fakhri then got interrupted by Ayam. "Weh korang Kita Ada exchange students esok who will stay here for three month"

Fakhri and Me looked at each other and shrugged. "Hmm okie" Ikhsan said going back to sleep. Before Fakhri went to his bed he whisper at my left ear.

"Because I want to protect you" He smiled at me and walked back to his bed. I smiled and went to sleep peacefully not thinking about anything except for Fakhri.

I Want To Protect You projek high council 'Fahkri/Kahar'Where stories live. Discover now