18 | Worst Confession Ever

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Dedicated to @EmSlough because Pillow Talk, Love, and Other Things is gold! Also, love love loveee her icon. WOOP WOOP! It's The Arrow and Felicity (lol is my spelling right tho?)

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"It's been a long day," Nate said as we lay on the bed watching Tangled.

"Yeah," I said softly. "A lot has happened."

I yawned and after a few seconds, he yawned as well. He joined me as I laughed quietly.

"You made me yawn as well," he accused.

"Yawning is contagious. Didn't you know?" I teased then buried my face on his shirt even more.

I've found it really comfortable having him beside me and I absolutely love his shirts. They're just so soft, softer than my clothes which was really weird. They also smelled great which is even weirder.

"You should really tell me how you wash your clothes," I muttered as I inhaled again. The smell of his shirt was just so addictive in a way that it calms me. Not in a sexual way of course but just... really really calming.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because they smell so good," I said.

"You're weird," he commented and I can't help but glare at him.

"You're such a twat sometimes," I said in return.

"Ouch. That was mean," he said in mock hurt.

I decided not to answer when I remembered something. Me and Nate still haven't talked about what happened last time. The kiss. It was just that after all the chaos that happened, the topic of that kiss was never really brought up.

"Hey there sleepyhead," he said. "Don't tell me you're sleepy already. It's so early."

"I'm not sleepy. I was just thinking about something."

"Oh," he said with a boyish grin on his was. "What is so interesting that you've ignored Nate-King-of-Sexiness-Brooks?"

He was in such a light mood that I almost didn't want to ask him about the kiss but for some reason, my blabber mouth just can't hold it back any longer.

"What was the kiss about?" I asked.

His expression turned from a teasing one into a serious one. He straightened himself on the bed and stood up. Pacing around, he seemed really nervous that I was getting his nerves as well.

I looked at him curiously and when he met my gaze, he inhaled sharply.

"Alright..," he trailed off. "What it is is that-"

He was about to finish what he was saying when his phone rang. He was about to burst and I grimaced at his expression.

"God can't I just get a break!" he shouted, pulling at his hair.

He looked at me with an apologetic expression on his face and said, "I'm sorry. So sorry, I just have to take this. I'm sorry, wait a minute don't go. "

He pulled at his hair in annoyance again and got his phone out from his pocket.

"Hello I am in a middle of a fucking confession here," he said. "Shut up. Just shut up mate I'm doing something."

There was a short pause then Nate said, "Just... Ugh. I'm not even paying attention to what you're saying."

After that, there was silence as he hang up the phone.

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