1.The start of our story.

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The school bell rang,
All the students came to the canteen to eat.

Sullyoons pov:
"Woah, shes pretty..." said Sullyoon staring at a long brown haired girl that is shorter than her. "Thats Jinni," said Lily. "Pretty right?" "Yes,she is, is she popular by any chance?" curiosity struck Sullyoon "Shes my friend,yes she is popular her father owns this really big company. They are practically billionares." Replied Lily "How do you have so much confidence to talk to popular people?" "Its nothing really important."

Then came a girl who had dark hair and sat with them. "Shes practically a show-off." It was Jiwoo Lily and Sullyoons friend, Sullyoon let out a chuckle while looking at Lily. "Atleast no one mistakens me for Kyujin" Said Lily with a angry tone. Jiwoo mockingly felt offended "My word!" mocking Lilys australian accent "I never knew that!I am so utterly shocked and offended!" Lily smacked her head. "Just eat or ill go feral."

Sullyoon was still gazing at the girl that she most likely finds gorgeous. "Hello?? HELLO!! EARTH TO YOONA EARTH TO-" Sullyoon hushed Lily with her palm and sat her down. Jinni then stood up and looked like she was going directly to their table. "SHES COMING HIDE" said Sullyoon, she crawled under the table.

"What is wrong with that woman." Said Jiwoo. "Hey Lily!Mind if i sit here im too bored from all my friends boy talking session, its annoying." "Oh sure i dont mind."

"Hey wheres your other friend, i saw her earlier then randomly dissappeared?" "Shes under the table." There i saw. A beautiful woman looking at me... It was weird. I was literally sitting like a frog under the table. "Are you ok?" she said. "Oh, i am pretty girl.. I mean pretty, pretty fine not pretty girl i mean fine im good im alright."

I crawled out of the table and went in Lilys corner. "Go to her side you can literally see theres no space here..." "I dont want to theres clearly space and ill fit" "No you cant go to her" "No you go to her." Lily shoved me beside Jinni in the seat. "Jinni this is Sullyoon, Sullyoon this is Jinni." Said Lily. "Nice to meet you Sullyoon." She said while giving me a hand shake. "Nice to meet you too.."

The school bell rang again and they had to go back to class Sullyoon was in science and Lily and Jiwoo was in English. Surprisingly she went inside the classroom and saw Lily nor Jiwoo was there.

1 message from Sulli

"i thought you were going to science class Lily?"

"Sorry i have to do english now Sulli"

"But dont you already know english why do you have to take it?"

"I know its just based on my schedule, besides youll be fine. Try to find some friends there.. OH WAIT JINNI IS THERE try talking to her yeah?"

seen by Lily

I saw Jinni and she had no seat mate i thought i could sit in another seat but all the seats are taken besides the one beside her. I had no choice i walked to the chair and sat beside her. She looked at me.

"Your that girl from earlier right? Sullyoon?" She said. "Oh yes.." She glanced at me and gave me a smile.
Her smile is really pretty.. I said in my thoughts.

The teacher was discussing our lesson and it was over.

I stared at the window glass pane and it was raining. I didnt bring my umbrella.

Damn weather forcasters, they said it wouldnt rain.

"Hey Lily!" Lily looked at me "Did you bring an umbrella?!" "WHAT!" "I SAID DID YOU BRING AN UMBRELLA?" "HUH" I give up Haewon was there with her anyways and id just wait for the rain to dry.

I sat in the bench looking how foggy it was looking and beautiful a little from the rain.

"Hey," said a low soft voice. It was Jinni "Oh hi." "What are you still doing here?" She asked. "I didnt bring an umbrella so im waiting for the rain to dry." "I have one, i can take you home." "Oh, i appreciate the offer but no thank you." "No really,i insist. You live in Adamson St. Right?" "Yeah why?" "I live there too." "Oh, ok then" i stood up and came with her.

I was really close to her left hand and i felt tingly sensations while walking with her. Its like i fell inlove with her this fast even though we are strangers. I need to get to know her more. Not just from her looks.. Its really weird cause i fell too fast for her. But whatever it is i need to calm my feelings fast.

To be continued.

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