4.What are we?

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Sullyoons pov:

I woke up since the suns light reached my eyes. I saw jinni still sleeping. She still looks pretty even when sleeping. I got up and tied my hair and went to the bathroom. I went back to my room and i saw Jinni awake looking at me. It was weird to talk to her after what happened that afternoon with her in the bed. I sat in the bed looking at her.

"Good morning" she said with a raspy grouchy voice. She sat while rubbing her eyes. "Was your sleep ok?" i asked  her. "It was alright" she replied. "I used to remember you were smaller than me before." she added. I was looking down but i suddenly looked at her.

She moved closer to me and asked "Do you like me?" i was flustered i looked away from her. She held my chin and turned my head infront of her. "Look at me. I want the truth." i changed the topic about how annoying it was while Lily and Haewon always flirts with eachother.

Jinni just got annoyed and layed back. Im oblivious when it comes to love. And mostly dumb i hugged her from behind and looked at her and apologized to her. She was moving away from me. I turned over to look at her but she avoided to look at me even.

She sat on the floor ignoring me. I know too well Jinni hasnt changed at all. She still acts like a baby when mad. I gave her all her favourite snacks still no reply. I had no choice. I gave her a gentle kiss in her cheek. She finally looked at me.

"What am i to you?" she asked. "What are we?" she turned over me waiting for what i would say. I wanted to say it like we were dating but it all goes too fast. I told her "Friends that flirt?" she just looked at me. She stood up and went downstairs. She ate breakfast, i followed behind her. She then said she was going home. "Ill walk with you." i said. "You dont have too." she replied with a low voice. I grabbed her hand anyways and went with her still holding her hand while walking.

Their house was big, a big mansion. My jaw visibally dropped seeing how clean their house was. "Thanks for walking home with me Yoona." she thanked. "Your welcome Choi." i said smiling at her, i kissed her one more time before leaving to make her feel good.

Day skip


I saw her in school she was with her friends Lily and Jiwoo were always talking. And i was always listening. Sometimes i would glare only at Jinni whenever its recess, i didnt even care if someone was talking to me. "Why is she so pretty?.." Lily heard what i said. "Are you still obssesed with her?" Lily asked. "Your slowly turning into a yandere Sulli." said Jiwoo

"No i am not." "Yeah right," she replied. Jinni was walking again towards us. "Boy session again?" asked Lily. "Well.. Yes." she sat beside me and landed her hand on my thigh. Normaly i hate physical touch with people. But i only loved it when with her. I was blushing like heck. The 3 were noticing. Jinni excused and said me and her need to go to the bathroom. She was holding my hand on the way.

"Whats this all about Choi?" i asked. We were inside the bathroom, she waited for other girls to leave before talking. "Its been years Yoona. Ive been looking for you ever since. I begged my father and mother transfer me here cause your mother told me you go to this school." that escalated quickly. We were going just too fast.

That escalated quickly. We were moving too fast. We just met 4 days ago. We cant just randomly burst out dating like that.

"Look, Choi ill think about it. But not right now okay?" i told her and showed her a slight smile. Bae then came out randomly in the stall and heard everything. Her expression was visibly shocked.

"You guys are..dating??" she asked. "Well were partically no-" she cutted me off and said "Yes," i looked at her while she looks at Bae with a serious glance and eyes like she wants to slaugther someone out of the grave.. "Why?" Jinni continued to ask. "Nothing," Bae left smirking.

Jinni looked at me, she had a gloomy face. Maybe from what i said i let out a smile and hugged her. She just left afterwards.

Jinnis pov:

I was walking back to the canteen. Everyone was looking at me Bae was standing right at Haewon's corner. Saying something to her, Haewons mouth dropped too. I was confused "Whats up?" i said. "Your.. Dating.. Sullyoon?" she asked. I had to lie about it even if its not true. But it didnt really matter to me.

Everybody was suddenly gossiping while looking at me. I dont know whats happening. The bell rang just in time. Thank god it saved me, i went to my lockers and saw Sullyoon talking to someone, it was a boy. He was caressing her cheeks for no reason. He had a slick back hair with his 1 strand of hair out his hair was brown but i couldnt tell who it was. He was taller by 1in to Sullyoon. He was being real touchy. Does she have a boyfriend that fast?

Sullyoons pov:

"Cousin? why did you visit me?" i said talking to my boy cousin who i havent been seeing lately. "I came to surprise you Yoon-Yoon" he said smiling at me, i looked at the entire school and saw Jinni looking at us both.

"Whos that Yoon-Yoon?" he asked. She looked back at her locker. "Cousin can ypu stay outside?" "Ah sure" he replied.

Jinnis pov:

I can hear her footsteps getting louder and louder as she walks.

"Choi?" a soft low tone spoke. I turned around. "Do you want to hang out for dinner?"

was she seriously asking me out thinking that i didnt see what her and that guy was doing earlier?

I was going to say no until she said "Id really like you to meet my cousin, the guy who was with me earlier."
"Cousin?" i asked. "You didnt tell me before you had one," "Ah, its because he barely visits me from his job."

I felt stupid i shouldnt overthink. Shes right we are going too fast. I need to calm down first until she gets used to me again.

"Wait, who did you think my cousin was?" she asked. I immedietly paused. "Oh," i said, i was looking for something to get her attention to something else
"look theres someone selling  ice cream outside, im really hungry lets go there, lets meet your cousin." i pulled her hand and got outside with a sarcasm voice.

She just followed me. I met her cousin and ate dinner with her family, they were really nice. I feel like Sullyoon was raised right.

She must be happy, and so is her parents with her.

I walked outside the doorstep "Thanks for having me Yoona." i said while smiling. She smiled and said "Your welcome" and gave me a peck in the forehead.

I left their house. It was pretty late when i came home, i got scolded since i got home past the time i was supposed to BE home.

I layed in my bed, my back hurted so much i had to sleep.

It was a nice night with Sullyoon, i hope we get to do that more nowadays.

To be continued.

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