"8. Near."

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Third person pov:

Its 4 days till graduation. Time is going fast will i be 
able to see my friends again? said Sullyoon in her thoughts.

Sullyoon was facing at Jinni who was a deep sleeper. Maybe i should leave her for now said Sullyoon who stood up. Someone pulled her hands from behind "Stay.." Jinni felt comfortable on hugging Sullyoon, she felt safe.

She was still sleeping, Sullyoon was bored so she started playing with Jinnis hair.

Sullyoon became weary at the time, she could fall asleep again in any second.

Sullyoon checked her phone and decided to play games to avoid her sleepyness.

Sullyoons pov:

I called Soobin to pick her up. "Thank you Mrs.Choi,please tell Jinni i already left." i said as i left their house.

Me and my older brother are practically not close with eachother. We were just quiet, i was only close to my little brother and sister all the time except for him.

Its always awkward speaking to him. I flopped in my bed and rested myself from my "tired" day. I rolled over and slept again.

As i woke up, i came downstairs. Nobody was there. My Mother nor my Father was. Not even my siblings. I assumed they left to buy something and let me rest.

I sat on a stool and ate an apple, my head felt light. I have to sleep again, i said to myself. But i cant sleep yet, i stood up and washed my face.

The doorbell rang unexpectically. I looked through the window first just in case.

I opened the door, "Hi," i said. "Hello" said Lily.
"Are you ok Yoona? You look like you just experienced labor." she said. "Not funny." "Are you finally ready that were graduating?" she added. "Not really"i replied. "Well some of us live in your neighborhood. And plus we can hangout sometimes if any of us wont move out."

"I think no one will?" i said. "Well about that.. After graduation Jinni is going to go to the states for a vacation."

My eyes widened at what she said. "Why?" "Her Father has to rearrange some stuff there, they will be staying very long there. I think you should talk it out with her."

3 notifications from Sullyoon

Want to hang out?
Im thinking of the mall.

"Jinni!" i yelled, "Look at these little teddy bears holding a heart." she was confused. "What about it?" "Lets buy it!" i said smiling. She sighed, "no good?"  i said. "If you dont want it lets not buy it, im not forcing you." i said "Oh! No no,lets buy it."

"Are you sure, i mea-" "Sullyoon?" she asked. "It doesnt matter what we buy." she said smiling, "I love it."

We were walking home with the teddy bears, Jinni was making them make out infront of my innocent eyes. She just laughed as she teased me. She was the type to have teasing as their love language. But i really love her.

Jinnis pov:

She dropped me at our house, i told her it was already night and she shouldnt walk alone. She said she would call Soobin and just kissed me. Of course i had to check if she actually did call Soobin.

I played with the little teddy bear and i kept inspecting it. I opened up the heart cause i was curious because of its straight (Jinni n Sullyoon aint straight tho🤔 see what i did there? Not funny, alr💔) line at the middle. It was her exact handwriting wrote inside.

She mustve wrote it without me looking.

I layed the teddy bear in my chest as i hug it. I wouldnt trade that woman for the world. My heart skios a beat whenever seeing her. But our graduation is near.

Should i tell her? I dont want to go to the states. I want to stay with her and have happy moments with her. I love her.

Third person pov:

As watery in Jinnis eyes she started tearing up and crying herself to sleep that night. She will miss her really.

It was another day of school. 3 more days. Sullyoon was trying to hold it too and have fun moments with her. They went to the arcade, dates, sleepovers.

But still it couldnt stop Jinni no matter how much she wanted her to stay.

To be continued.

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