10."Just one day."

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1 day left. Jinni was going, Sullyoon cant meddle with time. But she was shallow since days were fast.

It was unacceptable for her. But there was nothing she could do.

Third person pov:

Jinnis Father said there was 1 day left for her to stay in korea. "Choi. Maybe you will find new friends in the states. More better you will learn to speak english."

"But Father, i like my friends here and staying here. Why do we have to go? I can stay in Sullyoons house Father." Jinni cried. "I know.., but we dont have a choice Choi. If you stay with them you wont see us ever. Wont you miss your parents?"

Jinni had double thoughts about it. She couldnt focus well. She just left and slammed the door in utter disgrace and left.

She went straight to school and class. She looked like she was in a bad mood. Sullyoon came and sat beside her. Trying to make her feel good by giving a short smile. "We practically have 24 hours."

"Maybe ask your parents if you can stay with us for tonight?" asked Sullyoon. Jinni folding her arms. "Ill try." she said. "Cheer up," said Sullyoon. "Atleast your Father gave you 24 hours to be with me."
"I guess," added Jinni. Sullyoon kissed her cheek to make her feel happy about it. Bae and the others sat with them.

"Awhh the lovebirds are seperating." Jiwoo said pretending to make a sad face. Bae just laughibg hard at Jiwoos face and fell. "Deserved well."added Haewon.

"Shut it "OH HAEWON"." Haewon left beside bae and sat beside Lily instead. Of course Bae was hurt and offended. She sat beside Jiwoo and became touchy to her.

Haewon looked mad at her but hid it. Meanwhile Jiwoo laughing at Baes jokes and Sullyoon and Jinni talking to eachother. Haewon and Lily picturing.

A random boy came to Bae and Sullyoon whispering to them.
Sullyoon and Bae only nodded and never told Haewon,Jinni and Lily what he told.

"What did he say?" Said Lily. "Nothing~" said Bae in a sarcastic tone. Sullyoon chuckled looking at her mad girlfriends face.

Bae then whispered to Jiwoo and Jiwoos face dropped at what she heard "Really?!" She whispered. "WHAT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN REALLY?" said Lily eavesdropping "Youll know tomorrow" said Bae. "Hey wheres Haewon?" added Sullyoon. "I saw her run to the bathroom." said Jinni. "Wonder why?" said Jiwoo.

Side story:

"Hey its 5 already. We should go for ice cream." said Lily "What about Haewon?" added Jiwoo. "Bae will wait for her." Sullyoon said. "ME?" "Lets go." They all left Bae alone.

"WAIT ARE YOU SERIOUSLY LEAVING ME." They were walking as they became smaller and smaller. Someone tapped on Baes shoulder. "AH" she slapped the one who tapped her in the shoulder. "Ow!" said Haewon.


"I want the mint choco one, what about you?" asked Sullyoon. "Ill have the vanilla one." Said Jinni. "Whats taking Bae and Haewon so long?" said Jiwoo. "I dont know lets just wait as were here."

10 minutes passed:

"Sorry were late" said Bae. "I hit her in the eye." Bae looked at Haewon. Haewon was giving her such a stare.

Jiwoo was laughing at her face. Jinni was trying to hold her laugh in Sullyoons shoulder.

"Are you ok!" said Lily holding her face. "Oo~" said Jiwoo mockingly. Bae left their side and sat beside Jiwoo.

They all ate and went home in different directions. Jinni stayed with Sullyoon for the night and slept with her not ready to go away. She woke up from overthinking too much.

She sat on the side of the bed. Sullyoon woke up and hugged her in the back. She kissed her lightly. It was a long one. Probably the last one she'll ever feel her kiss again.

Jinni and Sullyoon wasnt ready to be seperated. Their parents dont even know they have something between them. But they'll miss each other.


To be continued.

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