11. "The end of our story."

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It was graduation day. Everybody was getting ready running through the halls wearing their uniforms screaming loud. They were all so happy.

Sullyoon standing in the hallway, zoning out looking gloomy. Lily wrapped her right arm to her and rubbed her right arm in comfort. Trying to make her smile.

You can do this. "Dont be sad. Atleast you get to graduate with her. "Your right." She walked with her outside to the field where every one was. The principal then tapped the mic. "To all the students in this school, todays the day you graduate!"

Every one was screaming and cheering. The principal lowered her hands. They all sat.

"To the students who made it, we are very proud of all your accomplishments. Maybe you guys will finally find a job, and not be lazy when they have lectures." the crowd laughed. "As for, lets get with the graduation!"

Yang .... ..

Park ... ..

"Hey," said Sullyoon talking to Jinni. "Hi." she answered. Sullyoon held her two hands. "Ill miss you."
"Me too." said Jinni.

Seol Yoon-A

"I have to go to the stage. See you." she turned over and ran. Jinni looking at Sullyoon, "Are you sure your gonna be alright?" asked Lily in her back.

"Yes, im sure" she smiled. "Hey the boy who whispered to Sulli and Bae is here." added Lily "Hey you!" She called the boy. The boy came closer, Jinni saw his face familiar.

"Hey arent you Sullyoons cousin?" Jinni asked. "Yes, yes i am." Lily just turned to them confused. "What did you tell her?" "A secret Mrs. Choi."

He walked looking at Sullyoon clapping and smiling, he hugged her.

Bae and Haewon were fighting over her eye "I said i was sorry! Its your fault anyways" Screamed Bae. "DONT LIE TO ME JINSOL I KNOW YOU!" "BUT I SWE-" "QUIET!" Added Jiwoo.

Bae jinsol

Bae went up the stage. She was crying that she finally graduated, Haewon and Jiwoo was laughing at her while pointing at her for crying as a joke.

Oh Haewon

Jiwoo was whispering to Bae and laughing at Haewon.

Im gonna beat these assholes ass. She said in her mind.

Lily Morrow

"Im gonna go now Jinni, good luck."
Why are they all so happy?
Jinni said in her mind. Looking at Sullyoon going close to her.

"After this are you guys directly going?" "Yes. Im sorry, but ill call you every day."

Kim Ji Woo

Jiwoo slipped on stage and all tried to hold their laughs. Bae was laughing like crazy breaking the chair. Haewon was shocked that she could break that.

Choi Yun Jin

Jinni holding hands with Sullyoon slipping her hands away from Jinni.

All the students family were there. Jinnis Father and Mother looking at her. She went down the stage.

Jinnis Father went straight with her and said "Lets go, your friends can come too and say your last goodbyes."

They drove to Jinnis house watching her pack. Lily and the others gave Sullyoon and Jinni privacy.

Sullyoon held Jinnis face ans kissed her. Crying,she wiped Jinnis tears away and hugged her.

They all went to the airport. Jinnis Father called her. "Are you coming Jinni?" Jinni turned back at them.

"I guess this is goodbye." she walked to her Father. "Wait!" Said Sullyoons cousin. He ran up to her Father and whispered. Her Father nodded and told Jinni.

Jinni had a smile on her face she ran forward to Sullyoon and told her, "My Father agreed that, i could stay." Sullyoons face lit up a smile.

Jinni looked at her Father and smiled and mouthed the words "Thank you" her Father smiled at Her and left with her Mother. Sullyoons cousin also smiled and left.

Sullyoon and Jinni looked at each other and chuckled at eachother and kissed. Everyone left them alone together.

Now, they have been together for more than a year. Jinni never struggled since she had Sullyoon. They lived happily together.

The story of Seol Yoon-A and Choi Yun-Jin.

A Fanfic made by: Devsssio

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           The end.

"Its weird to fall inlove with her quickly."

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