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(I wont be able to be updating cause i have school and stuff.. And im clearly running out of sulljin scenarios.)

Third person pov:

Sullyoon woke up and stood up to get ready for school. She fixed her bed, brushed her teeth,took a shower,organized her bag,cleaned everything up.

She heard a knock on her door. "Its open" she said. It was Jinni who was waiting on for her "Im not surprised it was you" said Sullyoon while laughing. "You got used to me? I was waiting on you outside and got bored"
"You never change, your still impatient just like when we were kids." added Sullyoon.

"You were being needy yesterday cause you couldnt handle not knowing what my gift was for you." said Jinni with a serious face. "Sit." Sullyoon demanded. She sat beside her.

Sullyoon was wearing her socks and Jinni was looking at her. Sullyoon noticed. "What?" she asked. "Nothing." said Jinni "Are you thinking about me in your mind" said Sullyoon in a teasy tone. "Certainly not." Sullyoon just smiled squinting her eyes, making it look like she was seducing her own girlfriend.

Jinni stood up and said "Your too slow." She helped Sullyoon with her socks and tied her shoes. "Like this?" she asked to Sullyoon. She nodded. She closed her eyes cause she respects her girlfriends privacy with her short skirt. She stood up and held her hands while leaving. It never bother Jinni if they were both holding hands with eachother walking home and walking to school together even if people look at them.

All of theyre friends where sitting at the cafeteria, while Jinni and Sullyoon where alone in their classroom. Jinni sat beside her girlfriend. Sullyoon rested her head on her desk, Jinni put her desk close to
Sullyoons and rested her head also, looking at Sullyoons direction. Sullyoon was asleep.

Jinnis pov:

She told me to wake her up when break time is done. Jinni reached out her phone and pictured Sullyoon while she was asleep. I have an idea. She said. She scribbled her girlfriends face with random things. She even wrote "Jinni the best husband" and laughed and pictured it.

She was excited to show it to Sullyoon. She wiped her face afterwards. But that let Sullyoon wake up. She was focused on cleaning every ink she did to her face. "What are you doing?" she asked. "You had dirt in your face" said Jinni while laughing thinking about her face earlier.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Sullyoon, this time she was serious with the jokes.

"Ill show you later when you get home." Sullyoon tilted her head in confusement. "Arent you going home with me tho?" "Oh, yes. I forgot" Jinni replied, "Well my mother let me stay for 1 week soo... I have 5 more days."

The school bell rang and they had to go to seperate classes Lily and Haewon was a flirting pile in science class.

Bae and Jiwoo was acting idiotic for forgetting what 50 - 5 was. And yes they were sent to the office, all they did was gossip anyways.

Kyujin, skipping school as always. I mean shes already smart. It was time to go home i packed up my things from the locker. Sullyoon held my hand from behind and said "Lets go." smiling.

We walked home together and ate dinner with her family. I stayed in the living room while she was upstairs.

Sullyoons pov:

I wonder what Chois doing right now. I ran downdtairs and saw Jinni in the living room playing games again. "You know if you play too much you become blind. Her attention was drew to me.

I sat beside her in the couch and watched her play. Her attention for me suddenly was in her games. I called her many times and she doesnt realize.

I took her phone. "Hey!" she yelled. "Give it back!" "Youve been playing for hours Jinni. Cant you just rest. I hid her phone behind my back. "Do you want that much attention?" she asked. Her arms were on the couches
arms making me trapped. "Your getting needy too much nowadays Yoona." she said. I gave her phone back. She took it and i thought i was safe until she placed it in the table. "Already regretting that fast?" she smiled while she tilted her head squinting her eyes. "You know what i can do to you. You want attention? Ill give you attention. She struck at me.

The only good thing was my family was asleep and they never knew what we actually did in the couch.

"Choi..ha." I gasped for air "You still call me that innocent pathetic name dont you?" Said Jinni. There were loads of red marks in my neck that it was visible. It was getting hot with the sound of skins
sweat and heavy breathing, mumbling and creaking couch.

I fell asleep ands that all i could remember from what we did. I dont ever want to recover what we did together. Ever. Not even in a million years. I regretted my decisions.

My legs were swollen and my body twitched the whole time. Hopefully we dont experience that again.

The only stupidest thing that woman asked me was "Was i too rough?" instead of asking if i was ok.

Still love her tho even if shes an idiot or oblivious like me.

She just smiled at me after thinking nothing happened i had to ignore her the whole day. She couldnt even survive 1 minute without being this attached.

"Im sorry" she said to me. She kept repeating it until i finally looked at her. She was smiling as if i was gonna forgive her. I nodded my head no slowly. She pouted with damn puppy eyes thinking i would fall for it. She kept hugging me. All i did was looking at her with a judgey look. "Forgive me, ill buy you everything you want. Ill give you what you want, ill do anything please forgive me?" She said. "Anything?" i asked. "Well not really" she added "I hate you." she layed her head on my shoulder blades.

"Are you really sorry though?" i said. She nodded her head yes alot of times. I forgave her, she gave me a happy look and kissed me afterwards. My face was getting red and so was my ears. We both slept but then we were caught in the couch by Kyujin. Thankfully it wasnt my mother or i would be drop dead right now.

To be continued.

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