5. As it was

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(im doing this in our car 💀. Anyways ill be updating this story this friday. Also theres some scene that was inspired by NMIXX_saranghae)

Third person pov:

12 years ago.

It was raining very heavily outside the school. Sullyoon is scared whenever she hears loud noises. Mostly she cries about it. The teachers were comforting the kids to not cry whenever it was raining.

A brave little girl sat beside Sullyoon. "Why are you crying" she asked? "The rain is really loud."

Hardly anyone speaks to Sullyoon cause she was too small. "Dont cry friend its just the rain." she added. "Whats your name?" she asked to Sullyoon. "Yoona." "Choi." she lended her hand to Sullyoon and greeted her, she hugged her afterwards to stop crying.

"Lets play a game can that cheer you up?" she said. Sullyoon nodded with excitement and forgot what she was crying about. They played with dollhouses until it was time to go home.

"See you tomorrow Choi!" said little Sullyoon happily smiling at Choi.

They always bonded at their classroom,canteen,and shared foods or exchanged when they dont want what they have.

They were pretty close bestfriends. Choi would always beg to play with Yoona.

Sullyoons mother and Jinnis became good friends too.

But since Jinni moved to a new school it was hard for little sullyoon to handle.

"When are you going back Choi?" she asked. "Ill find a way to see you again Yoona." "Pinky promise?" asked Sullyoon. They did the pinky promise and Jinni responded "Promise" with a smile.

Sullyoons mother and Jinnis mother hugged and said their last goodbyes to eachother.

As the car was moving in the road Jinni was waving looking back at Sullyoon thinking they wont be able to see again.

Then she met Lily just as when Jinni left because she was a transferee.

Things were different nowadays for Sullyoon when her own bestfriend left.

But she believed Jinni will come back for her.

I know she will come back, she will.

Said little Sullyoon still having faith. But as soon as Sullyoon grew she gave up and doubted she'd ever come back. She stopped believing and thought she was a traitor. Lily then introduced Jiwoo in elementary. They were practically 11 at the time.
They became good friends until now.


Months passed and Sullyoon and Jinni were finally becoming comfortable with eachother, they started talking alot,bonding alot like before.

It was Sullyoons birthday at the time. Jinni was going to surprise her.

Jinnis pov:

I felt someone hugging me from behind and i wasnt surprised who it was. It was Yoona. "You havent forgotten what today is right?" she said smiling at me.

"Wait whats today again?" i said teasing her. "You forgot." she said pouting even if she looked silly and is trying to be sad. "Oh yeah its the time were gonna do the play later at 5:00 right?"

She looked crazy mad. "Im just messing with you" i said. "I thought you actually forgot my birthday." "Oh wait its your birthday?" She smacked my head while i just laughed.

I would never forget your birthday, cause i love you.

"So wheres my gift?" she said looking like a golden retriever going wild about something.

"Its a secret ill show you later." she looked very impatient and bored. "Can i atleast get spoilers?" she asked while laying at my bed. "No, you certainly cannot."

"Is it a party?" she asked. "No." "Date?" "No." "Movies?" "Thats the same thing as a date"

"Tell me, please?" "Your getting impatient are you?"

Third person pov:

Jinni held Sullyoon and said "Im gonna tell you later what it is." "Of course im getting impatient its my birthday." she looked away from Jinni. "Eh, do whatever you want to do." Jinni was focused on her phone playing games. Sullyoon looked back at her thinking Jinni will notice her. "Maybe just a litt-" Jinni layed her fingers in Sullyoons lip to hush her. "Not another word. My answer is no until i die."

"But maybe jus-" "No." "Well mayb- "I DONT WANNA HEAR IT." Jinni said covering her ears humming. Sullyoon sitting on top of her crossed her arms and said "Fine. Ill wait." Jinni just smiled at her. She caressed her ears and whispered. "Sorry."

Sullyoon looked at Jinni smiling and layed her chin in her shoulders. Jinni was going to kiss Sullyoon and then something broke it.

Lily,Bae,Jiwoo,Haewon came in to greet Sullyoon. And they saw what they both were doing.

"Ew gross, corny.." said Bae and Jiwoo at the same time.
Lily laughed at what they both said. Haewon was just there standing. They all greeted Sullyoon a happy birthday.

Time skip

"Is it finally time for you to show me my gift?" Excitedly asked by Sullyoon. "Yes." Jinni said. She blindfolded Sullyoon and helped her go outside.

They went to the beach and  could hear the sea shore.

She took off the blindfold. Sullyoon was dumbfound. "The beach?" "Just wait." said Jinni. Fireworks lit up in every favourite colors of Sullyoon, she loved fireworks so much. Jinni gave her matching bracelets with her and put them on her. "Happy birthday" said Jinni.

Sullyoon and Jinni kissed at that night.

Lily,Bae,Jiwoo,and Haewon were watching behind the bushes.

"Gross dude. Why are people so corny?" Said Bae. "I second that." said Jiwoo "SHUT UP!" Said Lily and Haewon at the same time being annoyed.

Well Sullyoon and Jinni were seperated 12 years ago. But as Jinni promised she did come back for the one she loved.

To be continued.

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