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(You're walking down the hallway going to class)

Y/n: (Mind) My last year of high school. It feels like yesterday when I started high school. Although back then, I did get bullied a lot. Looks like things are looking up for me.

(Then suddenly someone bumps into you)

Cole: Watch where you're going, Y/n.

Y/n: (Mind) I spoke too soon.

(Cole pushes you against the wall)

Y/n: Are you really doing this now?

Cole: Let's just say it's a welcome back gift. And this time Artora won't save you.

Y/n: Yeah. I'm going to miss when she kicked your ass with one hand.

Cole: Shut up!

(Cole throws a punch, but you catch it and you throw him against the wall)

Y/n: You're going to leave me alone. Got it?!

Cole: Ok, ok. Just let me go!

(You let Cole go and you continue walking to class; leaving Cole in the middle of the hallway)

Y/n: (Mind) I wonder if Artora felt like this every time she beat up Cole?

(After school, you start swinging around the city)

Spiderman: (Mind) Swinging around the city. Never gets old!

(You hear an alarm go off at a nearby jewelry store)

Spiderman: (Mind) By that is getting old.

(You swing by the jewelry store and you see a man run down an alleyway with bags in his hands)

Spiderman: (Mind) It's like they're not even trying to look innocent.

(You swing your way to the end of the alleyway; cutting off the criminal)

Spiderman: Dude, I'm not in the mood for this. So just give up and everyone leaves happy and this can end.

???: Get out of my way. I just need the money. No one got hurt.

Spiderman: Just relax. I'm Spiderman. What's your name?

???: Flint Marko.

A/n: What Flint Marko looks like

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A/n: What Flint Marko looks like.

Spiderman: Ok, we're getting somewhere. Flint, give back what you stole and I can convince the DA to give you a reduced sentence.

Flint: Look Spiderman. I appreciate what you're trying to do. But I need the money.

Spiderman: Sorry, I can't let you take that.

Flint: I'm sorry too.

Spiderman: Sorry for what?

Flint: For this.

Amazing or Infamous (Arrowverse x Spiderman male reader)Where stories live. Discover now