My Name Is Emiko Queen

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(You wake up in your room feeling very sore)

Y/n: (Mind) What is wrong with me? This is the third time this week. Am I sleep wrong or something?

(You walk into the kitchen to see you mom working on her security program)

Y/n: Hey Mom...

Felicity: Hey. Is everything ok?

Y/n: I don't know. For the past few days, I've been feeling sore.

Felicity: Have you been overexerting yourself?

Y/n: If that's code for "did I stop another train". I didn't. This is something different.

Felicity: Well, you have been working overtime the past week. Maybe you should take a break for the day.

Y/n: Yeah, maybe you're right.

Felicity: I am.

(Then Oliver walks into the house)

Computer: DNA match... Oliver Queen.

Y/n: (Mind) What the?

Felicity: Whoo! DNA signature confirmed. I knew you were here before you even walked in the door! How's that?

Oliver: That's good work.

Felicity: Thank you.

Y/n: So you're new security system detects DNA?

Felicity: Yep. And I'll show you how it works. If you want to?

Y/n: That would be awesome.

Oliver: So, Felicity. We need your help. Specifically Dinah needs your help.

Felicity: Oh. What can I do to help the captain of the SCPD?

Oliver: You need to analyze this DNA. It belongs to the new Green Arrow.

(Oliver gives Felicity evidence with blood on it)

Felicity: Some husbands bring their wives home flowers, and mine brings me blood from a crime scene. They say romance is dead. Ha ha!

(Felicity gets to work on the DNA analysis)

Y/n: Do you have any ideas on who the new Green Arrow is?

Oliver: Nope.

Y/n: Really? Not even one guess?

Felicity: Hey, you don't think it could be Roy, do you?

Oliver: Oh. We are not even on the same continent as Roy.

Felicity: Yeah. Well, let's find out who our mystery man is, shall we?

(Felicity finishes the DNA test)

Felicity: Ooh! Well, shame on us for being so sexist. Our mystery man is actually a woman.

Y/n: Really?

Oliver: What?

Felicity: Yeah.

Felicity: Hey. Can you sit down?

Oliver: Why?

Felicity: 'Cause the, um... Well, before you ask, I mean, no, it's not, it's not Thea... The DNA match is on your father's side.

Oliver: I'm sorry. Say again?

Felicity: The vigilante is your sister.

(Oliver sits down with a shocked look on his face)

Y/n: Wait, I have another aunt?

(Felicity looks at you with a serious look)

Y/n: Sorry. Bad timing.

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