Flu and M'Fine

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A/n: This is my first story for this book let me know if you like it <3
(Also the whole story is in Derek's pov!!)
It was 10 am on a Saturday and Meredith was still asleep.. she's never still asleep. "Meredith, babe," I said, planting a kiss on her forehead...silence. "Honey it's already 10 and I've been up for 3 hours mm I miss you". I said planting kisses on her cheek. "Mmm Derek nooo stoppp", she whined and turned the opposite way, coughing."What's wrong mer?" I said, kissing her on the lips this time. She turned toward me and said, coughing into her elbow after, "Don't feel good, don't wanna get you sick."

"Sweetheart you should've just told me, let me take care of you please," I said, I'd do anything for her. "M' fine, we have work, you gotta go in before me so go get ready I'll be right behind you," she said, trying to be independent when she won't survive the day alone. I knew if it was up to her she'd either drag herself to work miserable or lay here all day, which is why I won't leave her alone. "I'm not leaving you by yourself, baby, I'll be right back, I'll try to call us or at least you out of work and get you something," I said, drawing the line so she doesn't have a choice on staying home and letting me care for her. A groan was all I got in return from her as I exited the room to go downstairs.

I put the kettle on to boil and popped a piece of bread in the toaster while I waited for Webber to answer his cell. He answered and I was greeted with "Morning Shepard, how can I help you this morning?". "Good morning Chief, I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind," I said easing my way into it. "Yeah what's up?" He replied, skepticism in his voice. "Can Mer and I have time off? She's not feeling well and I don't wanna leave her alone," I asked while explaining. "Hmm yeah sure but be ready to come in at any time just in case. Let me know how much time you two need off so I can move the board around. Also, give Meredith my regards, I hope she feels better and take good care of her Shep, I need my resident now!" He said with a chuckle, hanging up before I got the chance to respond. Just then the kettle started to whistle simultaneously as the toast popped up. I made a cup of tea for Mer just how she likes it and put the toast on the plate. I didn't bother putting butter because if she's feeling nauseous that butter won't be any help.

I walked up the stairs, careful not to trip last time I was bringing something up to her which Meredith and Mark, once he heard the story from Mer got a laugh out of. I walked into our room to find Meredith wrapped up in a towel as I put the stuff on her bedside table. "Hi baby, how was your shower?" I said while wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her cheek as I approached her from behind.

"Short. I felt dizzy so I got out." She mumbled. "Probably because you shouldn't be out of bed with a fever like this, you're really warm," I said, my voice laced with concern. "So I'm not hot?" She said while popping her head out through one of my hoodies with a smirk. "You're incredibly hot but that's not what I meant now back to bed Grey," I said with a chuckle, following behind her so I can assess her to know what medicine to get from the cabinet.

As I started to feel her lymph nodes (which were swollen by the way but I already knew that by her strained voice and her wincing with every word she spoke) she huffed and said "Is this really necessary Derek? I told you I'm fine, I have to finish getting ready for work." Gosh, this woman was stubborn, "No you don't I already called Webber for the both of us. Now relax and let me finish, we got the next few days to ourselves." I said while shaking my head with a smile. "Derek I'm fine- I'll be fine, just go to work baby you're the head of neuro they need you there." She said before turning around, sitting with her back towards me so I wouldn't be able to finish checking her up.

"Chief said he'd move the board around so it wouldn't be an issue now cmon tell me your symptoms... please?" I said hoping this will finally convince her to cooperate. "Mmm...okay fine. My head is pounding which is making me dizzy, my stomach is doing cartwheels, my throat is on fire and it hurts to talk, I keep coughing which isn't helping my throat, I'm sneezing a ton so my nose is all stuffed up, and I'm just achy." She said whining about that last part.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll take good care of you and make all that crap go away in no time. Why don't you eat the toast and drink the tea I whipped up for you while I go grab you some medicine and get the thermometer." I said kissing her on the lips softly but holding the kiss longer this time. "Yeah, I can do that." She said with a scrunched, pained facial expression from talking and a weak smile to try and mask that even though she knows I already know how shitty she feels.

I left the room and grabbed some pain meds and fever reducers along with some nausea reducers as well... just in case that toast doesn't settle well because she did mention her stomach was feeling dodgy. I was rummaging through the cabinet looking for the thermometer which I couldn't seem to find, "Love have you seen the thermometer?" I whisper-yelled to avoid hurting her head more. "I think it's in here on your table from when you caught that bug from Sloan." She replied after a sneeze. "Bless you," I said while grabbing a box of tissues for her. "Thank you." She mumbled but I still heard it. I ran a washcloth under some cool water to help her temperature come down and grabbed the trash can ... you know just in case things go south.

I managed to carry all that plus the thermometer I snagged on the way back into the room which was surprising considering I had my hands full. I placed the garbage can on the floor, washcloth on her head, and thermometer in her mouth before she had the chance to protest. She sat there, cutting me a glare while I placed the bottles of medicine and a box of tissues on her bedside table. *beep* I took the thermometer out of her mouth and read 101.6, she saw my worried expression and then snatched the thermometer out of my hand to read it herself.

"Hon I'll be fine I mean it's not that high and the medicine plus the washcloth will bring it down." She said reassuring me and pulling me closer to kiss me on the lips. She continued after breaking the kiss, "Screw it, you already kissed me on the lips earlier plus we both know you're gonna get sick anyways Mr. Weak immune system."

"Hey my immune system isn't that bad... well maybe it is but at least I'm not the one stuck in bed right now." I retorted back while she laughed at me which resulted in a coughing fit. "Breath Mer you're okay, here take another few sips of tea while I get out the pills," I said rubbing her back while passing her the cup half empty with tea. I got the meds out and handed them for her to take which she did instantly, geez she must be feeling horrible.

"You alright now Mer?" I asked while going to the other side of the bed and sliding into it. "Yeah I'm okay, can we sleep..please?" She asked tiredly. "Of course cmere," I said while spooning her. "I love you, Meredith Grey," I whispered while kissing her forehead. She didn't answer but I was met with her even heavier than usual because of all the congestive snores which I have grown to love. I closed my eyes drifting off to sleep thinking about how lucky I am to have this woman beside me.

A/n: I actually enjoyed writing this and I promise I am planning on making a part 2
-Maya :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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