An Intruder in Beacon

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As the Bullhead started descending I looked over to the landing port and saw four familiar looking people waiting at the hanger, my smile widened as I saw the people I was closest too here waving. I got out of my seat excited to see them when I remembered the small alien on the seat besides me who was more focusing on a book, that Glynda Goodwitch provided, about the world and the eco-system. "Have we begun descent Tennyson?" Azmuth asked as I nodded realising the predicament we were in.
"We...should probably keep your existence on the down-low considering the people of this world assume me turning into an alien is just my semblance." I explained as Azmuth thought for a second.
"I agree with your assumption, we also don't know why I am here in the first place and considering I'm not on Galvan Prime there isn't any active defences if an attack happens," Azmuth replied, looking to me "So what is the plan?" He asked me as I flicked through my aliens then getting an idea.

As the Bullhead started approaching the four students below started waving at it. "Remind me, why we're here again?" Fox mentally asked as Coco smirked looking over to her Faunus best friend who's face flushed in red.
"We're escorting velvet, though her reasoning for meeting Ben as he landed is weird. Ben would've made his own way to the Canteen so why are we here Velv?" Coco teased as the Bunny Faunus just shook her head trying to get the blush away.
"B-Ben seems like the type to forget his breakfast so I-I simply wanted to make sure he didn't forget." Velvet said as the rest of her team laughed as they saw a green flash through the windows of the Bullhead and as the door opened...

Out walked Ben in his Four Arms transformation, which none of Team CVFY had seen so far, two of his hands were carrying random (empty) boxes off the Bullhead. As he walked off he waved with his third hand to the group as the ten foot alien approached "Hey guys, what're you doing here so early?" Four Arms asked as Yatsuhashi started taking notes on how strong Four Arms naturally was.
"I-I wanted to remind you to have breakfast before classes started." Velvet smiled as Four Arms gave a thumbs up to Velvet.
"As soon as these boxes are in Ozpin's office I will be at the Canteen." Four Arms smiled as he continued walking, Coco walking alongside him.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a bit Ben...alone?" She asked as Four Arms nodded.
"I have to get these boxes to the office-"Before the Tetramand could finish he felt the boxes in his hands float.
"I shall take it from here, I can tell Miss Adel has something important to talk about." Professor Goodwitch said as she started walking off with the boxes and with a flash Ben turned back...well to ben.
"Well that helps, so what's up?" Ben asked as Coco looked back, seeing the rest of her team heading towards the canteen.
"Velvet promised us not to say anything in front of a teacher but you're only part-time and you're a friend of hers so listen close," She took a deep breath as she quietly said to Ben "Velvet's being bullied by one of the new teams, Team CRDL are bullying her due to her being a Faunus." Coco explained as the previously lax eyes turned to one of seriousness.
"Why wouldn't Velvet want to let a teacher know, that's horrible." Ben said in a serious tone, remembering his ridicule from Cash back in his own universe.
"Because she is worried about what Cardin will do if she snitches." Coco responded in a tone which conveyed how angry Coco was.
"Right...I'll try and help out, lets go over to the canteen before Cardin can even get the chance." Ben replied as he flicked through his aliens and a smile formed on his face as he slammed his wrist onto his watch.

Speeding through the courtyard of Beacon Academy a black, green and white cargo carrier zoomed past with Coco holding on with both her hands for deer life "Woah slow down Ben!" She called out.
"I'm just giving a bit of an UPGRADE to this Carrier." I said, my voice sounding like it was coming out of a receiver.
"So this is what you were talking about before your initiation!" She called out understanding my joke as we made it to the door of the canteen and I turned back to my normal self after the Cargo Carrier came to a complete stop.
"Yep you know it." I smiled as she looked at me sternly.
"Next time, you're paying if you get any dirt on my clothes." Coco signed as she put her sunglasses on and walked into the canteen with me following her.

Before us was an unsightly sight, Cardin was pulling on Velvet's bunny ears. He was on his own, no teammates to be seen and whilst a cocky smirk was on his face tears was forming on Velvets. "Cardin..." Coco growled as she went to take a step towards the bully however as she did a flash of green happened as suddenly all the metal cutlery from the kitchen pierced through Cardin's clothes sending him flying back and piercing him on the wall.
Slowly approaching him a black and yellow monster approached, its floating metallic head not moving as the monster approached leaving Cardin to shout in cowardice though his pride hated it. "G-Get this thing away from me!" He ordered as Ben's new form got to where it wanted to be, right in front of the bully.
"You better leave Velvet alone or else you won't just be dealing with me but a whole plethora of monsters." I spoke, my magnetic voice not sounding as intimidating as I wished.
"Oh yeah? I-I'll call that bluff." Cardin said trying to recover his status as a badass.
"Well then...say goodbye to Lodestar and hello..." suddenly with a green flash Lodestar vanished and the cutlery fell to the floor however before Cardin could do the same he felt a hand as hard as steel holding him up.
"To humungosaur!" The 12-foot dinosaur called out as I picked up Cardin by his waist, my huge hand wrapping around the bully without any trouble, slowly lifting him up to eye level.
"WAHH P-PLEASE LET ME GO!" He panicked as I looked down at how high he was being held.
"With Pleasure." My deep voice said as I simply let him go, leaving him to fall which he landed on his feet, being protected by his aura as he scurried out of the room.
"Way to go Ben!" Coco called, whilst I was dealing with Cardin Coco had made her way over to Velvet and started to comfort her best friend.
"Velvet, you alright?" I called out as I walked over to the two, loud thud's coming from each step I took.
"M-Mhm I'm fine, t-thanks Ben." Velvet thanked me as I looked at her seriously.
"Don't thank me, I won't always be around to help you if he attacks again." I said softly as a small blush formed on her face.
"Speaking of won't you be in trouble for attacking Cardin, they have it all on camera?" Coco brought up as I quickly turned back into Upgrade and hopped onto the security camera, deleting the data before it could be uploaded to the cloud.
"I guess not." Velvet chuckled.
"You chose someone good Velv," Coco whispered, "you might want to act fast though, who knows who else will fall for him." Coco finished as Ben returned to the duo.

"Where is Yatsuhashi and Fox by the way, I haven't seen them." I brought up upon returning to the duo.
"They left to get their scrolls from the room, they somehow forgot it." Velvet replied.

In the middle of a dark hallway of Beacon's dorms the unconscious bodies of Fox and Yatsuhashi stood. "So Tennyson is here...good I can get my revenge." A man in a Black top and Grey pants said as he touched the wall, slowly turning into brick as he ran and jumped out of the closest window, evacuating beacon.

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