Plan of attack

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As I headed to Team RWBY's dorms, the subtle differences between the staff dorms hit me. The general vibe was the same however where the staff count was smaller then the students we only had dorms on one side of the hallway whereas dorms were on both sides of the hall in the student dormitories. The walls were also pretty barren, with the occasional water fountain littering the hall for every corner turned. In the staff dorms we had something similar, instead of water fountains we had a coffee machine which Professor Port and Oobleck hung out around, due to the latter's request unsurprisingly. On the doors of each dorm was plaques with the team names on, in the staff dorms we had our full names. As these differences continued to fill my mind I accidentally brushed shoulders with a dark skinned, green haired woman in uniform. "Oh sorry about that." I apologised as I looked at her and her friends, who I assumed was her teammates minus one.

"No, it's my fault. Hey you're Mr. Tennyson right?" The Green haired woman noticed as I nodded.
"Yep, Ben Tennyson at your service." I introduced as I looked to her teammates which consisted of a grey haired man and a woman with black hair with golden eyes.
"I heard you're pretty strong, the rumours say you had the great Pyrrha Nikos on her back legs." The male said as I sheepishly nodded.
"Yeah, she ended up winning our fight however that was expected." I awkwardly responded.
"Well, we oughta be going. Pleasure to meet you Ben Tennyson." The final teammate to speak said as she held out her pale hand for a handshake which I took, and despite how pale she was her handshake was firm.
"The pleasure is all mine; I hope to see you guys around." I say as I continue my stroll to Team RWBY's dorm, which was only a few feet away.
As I got to the dorm of the infamous Team RWBY, the same dorm I previously found myself at when I assisted in tracking Blake, I was about to knock when the door swung open, and Ruby ran out of the door and down the hallway I came from. I awkwardly looked into the dorm at the rest of the team who all had deadpanned faces. "Why is it every time I come to your dorm, someone runs away?" I joked as Yang snickered at it.
"Maybe you're the problem, lady killer." Yang joked back as I entered their dorm and they shut the door behind me.
"So, Torchwick?" I asked as my gaze turned to Blake who nodded.
"I promised that I wouldn't do this without you and as much as I don't want to involve anyone'd be suicide if I went in alone." Blake sighed as she leant against her bed which I took a look at and raised my eyebrow at the shabbily made bunk bed.
"Ruby's idea." Weiss said before I could ask any question.
"Ahh, anyways what's the plan?" I asked.
"Well we'll be splitting up into groups. I'll be invading a White Fang recruitment meeting; Yang will try to get information at a bar she knows whilst Ruby and Weiss will be searching the Schnee files for some evidence of dust theft." Blake explained.
"Okay, should I provide backup to Yang then?" I asked as Blake nodded.
"You wont make it into the recruitment meeting considering you're human, that's the safest bet." Blake explained as I looked to Yang.
"Yeah let's hit the town!" Yang grinned as she thrust her fist into the air.
"We will rendezvous at the landing pad at 8pm, if anything happens we will have a group chat on our scrolls." Weiss said as she set up a group chat with Team RWBY and me included.
"Alright, is there any other information I need to know?" I asked.
"Just one, if Kevin appears you need to ignore him and focus on the mission. I know you two have past, but we need to get down to this first." Blake spoke seriously.
"I know, I don't think Kevin will show his face anyways." I responded with a nod.
"What makes you so sure?" Yang asked curiously.
"I've known Kevin for years; he isn't the type to stay in one place for long," I responded, remembering everything with Kevin when we were just young children "One more thing, before we do anything else I want to make sure you guys know my aliens so you can feel comfortable fighting alongside them." I said as Weiss nodded.
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in them myself." Weiss said as we went to sit down when Ruby burst into the room with a board game in her arms.
"Oh hey Ben, when did you get here?" Ruby asked panting as I chuckled.
"Don't worry about it Ruby, come we're discussing my aliens." I explained as Ruby's eyes started to sparkle.
"Cool!" Ruby exclaimed as she rushed to sit in the circle we had formed, sitting closest to me as she looked closely at the Ultimatrix.
"Well, I suppose we should start from the beginning." I smiled as I pressed the button to activate the hologram face plate of the watch.

The next morning I was in Ozpins office, telling him that I would be busy for the day. "I apologize for this Ozpin, Team RWBY requested my help with something and considering what we went through at the docks I thought it would be safe if I did help them." I explained as Ozpin nodded.
"Now that young Miss Rose and Belladonna are known properly to Roman Torchwick and most likely his allies, it's wise for you to join them," Ozpin nodded "but what is it they want help with?" Ozpin pondered as I shrugged.
"I don't know," I lied "they were vague about it."
As I finished speaking Ozpin gave me a knowing look briefly however it faded into his usual soft expression. "Well then, keep your students safe Ben. I should also let you know that a snag has happened in Team CVFY's mission." Ozpin said as I looked at him seriously.
"What happened?" I quickly asked.
"Nothing much, however their mission is being extended by two weeks. Though they should still be here for the dance." Ozpin reassured.
"Oz, please tell me if they're in danger." I responded.
"Every huntsman or huntress are always in danger Ben, we just have to put our faith that Coco and her team can come out of this in one piece." Ozpin responded, not sugarcoating anything.
"Well...thank you for telling me." I thanked as I entered the elevator and started my descent, my thoughts clouding with worry for Velvet...Team CVFY I meant- 

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